ASRock Fatal1ty B85 Killer! works with NVIDIA cards?


Aug 1, 2013
I was wondering if the ASRock Fatal1ty B85 Killer! would work with my GTX 760, I dont plan on getting SLI never in my life but it says that it supports AMD crossfire, does that mean only AMD or also NVIDIA?
Oh well it's ok for me since I dont want SLI, Im not a 100FPS+ on 3 monitors at 4k HD kind of people xD 1080p on a 24'' screen and high or ultra at 60FPS no AA is fine for me. I will upgrade that card next year when the 770 or 780 prices drop because of the new 800 series.
The 780 is actually affordable now, more than ever! 😀 There are lots of reviews showing that a single 780 is a more viable option than going for 760 SLI. :) But yea, the decision's yours. :)

I also have a 1080 monitor, I don't know why some guys aim 4k res :O haha And I'm not a fan of a triple monitor setup too..
For now the $500 price tag of the GTX 780 is too steep for me xD but maybe next year it will drop more becqause of the new 800 series and If I can I will upgrade plus maybe upgrade the i5-4430 CPU also to something stronger since apparently Intel is bringing the new gen intel CPU next year also :O.
Daaang not worth it for me, I have an 4th gen i7-4700HQ which is enough for what I do which is gaming and autoCAD for my engineering projects. Its hyperthreaded 4 cores, 8 in total with the HT and it goes to 3.40GHZ on turbo. Not bad compared to some desktop CPU that only have 4 cores and no HT plus go until 3.0GHz or 3.1GHz
Yea, that CPU is already a beast bro. IDK why you would think to upgrade to a more powerful CPU if you don't need that much power. :) I suggest you to save for a very powerful GPU. 😀 Even 4way SLI, that CPU can handle the GPUs. 😉
Thats CPU is my laptop CPU xD The MOBO and the GTX 760 is for a desktop build for my brother that plays many games like me, I'm getting him an 4th gen i5-4430 because of the price, we want it below $830 dollars. My laptop is the Asus G750JW, no upgrades yet, Im thinking of buying the GTX 770m and replacing the 765m since it is the same dimensions so it fits but I think I should put an SSD then upgrade to 12gb of RAM (Mine came with 8gb, stupid best buy ;-😉 and after that upgrade the GPU.