Assembling computer outside of case?


Apr 17, 2008
I'm building my first pc and have ordered all the parts already. The other day all the parts from newegg came in. The only parts I am waiting for are the case and monitor which I ordered from different sites. Both parts aren't expected to arrive until thursday. I am excited to get my computer going but won't have the case for another 4 or 5 days. Would it be a bad idea to temporarily set up the computer on top of a table in order to install the operating system? The last thing I want to do is fry any of my components with static electricty.

I don't see anything wrong with doing this as long as you are properly grounded and nothing will "ZOT" your board etc...upon power up. The NewEgg - PC building video on youtube shows them doing the very same thing for 2x pc builds. The video is long, but fast forward and you will see them doing exactly what you are asking about. Here is the link:

Good Luck... If you have a chance, can you post your entire build including case. I am currently making my build choices and would like to see what others are doing in terms of their builds.

cya :wahoo: