Quick question - looking to upgrade router for my parents who are still renting theirs from Comcast. They're running on a 2.4Ghz wireless G router and the WiFi is pretty spotty upstairs and on the other side of the house. For now, I just want to upgrade their router before I run cable upstairs (ethernet is only ran on the main floor) and get an access point. I'm looking at the Asus AC1900 but then I noticed the AC2600 (side by side comparison here). From what I'm seeing, the AC2600 router looks better, but it's also cheaper on Newegg. Am I missing something? Additionally, it says it's Alexa and Echo compatible. What exactly does that entail? An easier time connecting smart-home and IoT devices, or that they can speak to their Alexa and configure the router/network (which seems like an awful idea). I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the AC2600, I'm just asking for someone else to browse over them and make sure I'm not missing something. Any help or information would be appreciated. Thanks!