[SOLVED] ASUS Anti-Surge Screen


Aug 23, 2019

One day I was using my PC normally and suddenly it turned off and turned on by itself, technically restarted. The ASUS logo appeared and then the same thing happened about 3-4 times and one of them the ASUS Anti-Surge screen appears, I choose to turn it off and wait to the next day, but it happend again and the same screen. This happened like last week until the beginning of this week, the PC did not turn off and therefore that screen did not appear, but now the same problem occurred again.

I have been researching on Google and here in the forums, some say that I simply deactivate the ASUS Anti-Surge in the BIOS, others that it is the PSU and that only leads me to doubt what really is the problem.

I know that the chances of the problem being PSU are really high (knowing it is a generic one) but it could also be something else. The PC has more than 2 years (Windows 8 was the default OS before updating it). The MOBO is the Asus H61M-E with it's latest BIOS version. It should be noted that it is an armed office PC, so it is a simple PC with a compact / slim cabinet.

I just want to know your opinion and confirm the things mentioned above, if it's the PSU, which PSU you recommend? the limit 100 USD but it has to be an economic one with good quality.


PD: I notice that this is not the correct section for thread, can some moderator change it to the right one.
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Thats what I was thinking. ATX is a pretty common standard in terms of design so when you say ATX it means a regular sized PSU also termed ATX. ATX will not fit in SFX.

For a replacement this would be my first go to:

https://www.newegg.com/corsair-sf-s...=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu-_-17-139-243-_-Product


https://www.newegg.com/seasonic-foc...=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu-_-17-151-223-_-Product

Because SFX is somewhat newer they cost a bit more. The Corsair would be the most efficient at Platinum ratings while the Seasonic would be second. Both are fantastic PSUs and super quiet. I have the SFX450 in my HTPC at more.
Now the question is, is this a standard ATX PC? Do you have the PC model number?

Yes, it's a standar ATX PC. I don't know the model itself, but it's similar to this one in sizes.
I would doubt that one in size would use an ATX PSU. It doesn't look like one would fit. Can you post an image of the system itself? Or at worst the back of the PSU? Telling you to order a standard ATX PSU without knowing for sure would be a mistake.

Sorry, I didn't understand before, the PSU is SFX and it was included on the case
Thats what I was thinking. ATX is a pretty common standard in terms of design so when you say ATX it means a regular sized PSU also termed ATX. ATX will not fit in SFX.

For a replacement this would be my first go to:

https://www.newegg.com/corsair-sf-s...=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu-_-17-139-243-_-Product


https://www.newegg.com/seasonic-foc...=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu-_-17-151-223-_-Product

Because SFX is somewhat newer they cost a bit more. The Corsair would be the most efficient at Platinum ratings while the Seasonic would be second. Both are fantastic PSUs and super quiet. I have the SFX450 in my HTPC at more.
Thats what I was thinking. ATX is a pretty common standard in terms of design so when you say ATX it means a regular sized PSU also termed ATX. ATX will not fit in SFX.

For a replacement this would be my first go to:

https://www.newegg.com/corsair-sf-series-sf450-cp-9020181-na-450w/p/N82E16817139243?Description=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu--17-139-243--Product


https://www.newegg.com/seasonic-focus-sgx-ssr-450sgx-450w/p/N82E16817151223?Description=sfx psu&cm_re=sfx_psu--17-151-223--Product

Because SFX is somewhat newer they cost a bit more. The Corsair would be the most efficient at Platinum ratings while the Seasonic would be second. Both are fantastic PSUs and super quiet. I have the SFX450 in my HTPC at more.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. One last question, while I'm looking for where to get one of those PSU, how long can I last with this one that I currently have with these voltages, obviously I wll change it before the end of the year, I just want to be sure of being well until then.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. One last question, while I'm looking for where to get one of those PSU, how long can I last with this one that I currently have with these voltages, obviously I wll change it before the end of the year, I just want to be sure of being well until then.


I can't say how long. It may last another year or another day. It depends on what component is actually failing. From the looks of the voltages I would say something is about to give up.
+3.3±5% (±0.165 V)+3.135 V to +3.465

2.67volts is out of the acceptable range for the power supply.

You wrote, "don't know the model itself" of the PC. That's unfortunate as that will make it difficult to repair.
I know it's a bit late but I got the model of the case Acteck Vaduz Slim GT-550

And I also bring my decision, mainly due to the costs of the PSUs In this SFX format, I have decided that I will look for a Mid-Tower case and integrate a good standard-sized PSU, this so that the components are not as compressed in a case as that.

Thank you all for your answers and recommendations. The thread is resolved.