Asus Aura White Setting??

Nov 29, 2017
Aura Sync does not have a white setting like shown in the website. However, I've seen that you can get a white-ish color by adjusting the RGB values. Don't know the values though, and I'd love if someone could help me with this.
Hi, I don't have the software so I can't directly help you. However I know a little bit about colors.

Usually colors are made up of three parts: red, green, and blue (or RGB) as you already know. Usually each of the three parts have a value from 0 to 255. To get white, you would set all three parts to a value of 255. To get black, you would set all three parts to a value of 0.

Other common values:
R=255, G=255, B=255 ----- White
R=0, G=0, B=0----- Black
R=255, G=0, B=0 ----- Red
R=0, G=255, B=0 ----- Green
R=0, G=0, B=255 ----- Blue
R=255, G=255, B=0 ----- Yellow

There's many RGB color charts. Do a search for them. Here's a few:

Thanks for the response, but in Aura it gets a really strange pink tint to it if you set them all to 255.
Okay, still a little pink tint but I suppose it’s the best I can get. Thanks for your reply.

Edit: It kind of worked to set all rgb values to 128. Still a little pink tint, but that’s okay.

(It looks better on camera)


I see that, from what I've read it seems that the software is a bit buggy.

The link I gave you was to page 2 of the thread. I'm not sure if you went back and read it all or not, but [here is the first page].

Another thread:

Another dated thread, read the last answer but I doubt if it will help:

Anyway, I don't think there's much that can be done. If it's buggy software you could complain to ASUS. If it's the hardware color itself (which puts off a hue) as mentioned [here] then there's nothing you can do. Best wishes.