I have a question about Fan Duty Cycle. My MB is Asus H170m-PLUS with I5-6600 with stock Intel cooler. It is possible to change Fan Duty Cycle below 20% ? It depends on BIOS limit or cooler limit. If I will buy another cooler then I will be able to set 0% for example ? Stock cooler is annyoing because I have PC near my ear.
I also have problem, after few BIOS updates, now If I change something in chart, then min. Fan Duty Cycle will change to 24% instead 20%
I have a question about Fan Duty Cycle. My MB is Asus H170m-PLUS with I5-6600 with stock Intel cooler. It is possible to change Fan Duty Cycle below 20% ? It depends on BIOS limit or cooler limit. If I will buy another cooler then I will be able to set 0% for example ? Stock cooler is annyoing because I have PC near my ear.
I also have problem, after few BIOS updates, now If I change something in chart, then min. Fan Duty Cycle will change to 24% instead 20%