ASUS GeForce GT 640 screen cutting out with HDMI and DVI, VGA is fine


Aug 25, 2013
I purchased components for a custom PC and got some help from a friend to build it.

With my first graphics card ( I got random dots on the screen and blue squares would appear when playing games. I sent it back and got it replaced with the same model. With this graphics card, when I use VGA it is fine but when I use HDMI or DVI the screen cuts out randomly and then starts flickering between displaying and not showing anything in between every few milliseconds and every ten seconds. I tried with a different monitor and it still cut out when not using VGA. I sent it back and they could not find anything wrong with it. I have tried updating BIOS, GPU drivers and formatting Windows. Is there anything I can do that I haven't tried. Thanks

Unfortunately I don't have one, pc was built from insurance money from my stolen laptop so was on a tight budget.

When I say that I don't have one, I meant that it is a 4x slot, not a 16x slot so my GPU won't fit.

From what the people who tested this card said, it worked fine in their testing pc.
ok, if:
1. The card works fine with hdmi in another PC and
2. The same issue happens on another monitor with your PC

This could potentially mean your looking at either a PSU, or mobo issue

Firstly though, try dropping your resolution down from 1080. Does it help?

What model PSU do you have?

Same issue with lower resolution on both monitors. PSU is a Shuttle PC63J, came with the case and motherboard (Shuttle XPC Barebone SZ77R5).
hmmm in that case, seeing as someone else has tried your GPU in their PC

See if they can try their GPU in your PC

If it has the same issue, then looks like you might be a PSU/mobo issue. In that case you would need to speak with the place you bought the shuttle parts from (if it was bought very recently), or with shuttle themselves.

However, if their GPU works fine in your PC, that would unfortunately suggest they've given you another faulty GPU.

I would like to use it in a dual monitor setup.

LG FLATRON IPS234 and a AOC LM726 (I found this one in my friends garage sale pile.)