Asus GeForce GTX 950 Strix Review

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very interesting looking card. nvidia has been doing a lot of this lately offering almost the same performance for less money than a pretty new card. it indeed looks like an awesome budget card well above the 750ti and almost as good as the 960 for a lot less.

will be very interested in the other versions of this that show up. nvidia trumps amd yet again. *sigh* when will the carnage end?? please amd do something to stay relevant!!!
So how does this compare in price to the GTX 960? If it's lower by about $20 - $30 I would think this card would be selling like hot cakes.

article says about $160 so more like $40 less than the amp edition they compared it to. however, with prices at $175 or so on the low end it is closer to an average of $20 or so price drop. which is why he states the 960 should lose the recommendation to this card since it is almost the same performance for a less. if your goal is 1080p at decent frames according to this review there is little reason to spend the extra money on the 960 over the 950. if course this is only price speculation. once they are out, the price will drop more than likely making this even more of a good deal.
on the high end amd still looks ok with the new stuff but the mid to low end they are clearly not taking the nod at any price point. next gpu chart will probably be all nvidia until the very end when it might dual suggest the 390 with the 970........ maybe......
I noticed some inconsistencies in the charts; sometimes the GTX750Ti is there, sometimes it isn't. To me, this is the card the GTX950 replaces, although I am disappointed it needs a 6-pin power connector.
The card does look like a winner though, and reinforces a lesson I've ignored to the detriment of my wallet more than once; for a single [1080p] monitor, $150-$175 is all that needs to be spent on a graphics card in order to get good settings for games.
I have to agree with the sentiment that AMD better get its tail in gear if they want to remain relevant.
I noticed some inconsistencies in the charts; sometimes the GTX750Ti is there, sometimes it isn't. To me, this is the card the GTX950 replaces, although I am disappointed it needs a 6-pin power connector.
The card does look like a winner though, and reinforces a lesson I've ignored to the detriment of my wallet more than once; for a single [1080p] monitor, $150-$175 is all that needs to be spent on a graphics card in order to get good settings for games.
I have to agree with the sentiment that AMD better get its tail in gear if they want to remain relevant.

I went through the charts. Looks like the only one missing 750ti is Metro at 1080p. I've requested the image be amended. FYI: min 30, avg 39.625, max 54 on the 750ti.

Nvidia has moved the 750ti to the lower price point, but keeping it on the market.
The 950 isn't being positioned by Nvidia as an upgrade from the 750ti, as the performance isn't a big enough jump for most consumers to make the change.

It is however a notable improvement in performance over a 750ti.
So how does this compare in price to the GTX 960? If it's lower by about $20 - $30 I would think this card would be selling like hot cakes.

article says about $160 so more like $40 less than the amp edition they compared it to. however, with prices at $175 or so on the low end it is closer to an average of $20 or so price drop. which is why he states the 960 should lose the recommendation to this card since it is almost the same performance for a less. if your goal is 1080p at decent frames according to this review there is little reason to spend the extra money on the 960 over the 950. if course this is only price speculation. once they are out, the price will drop more than likely making this even more of a good deal.

There's very little reason to get a GTX 960 over a 950 at this point in my view. The extra money, albeit only $40 or so, would be better served in a different component, or on a game.


Maybe that card will be a 940?

the 370 is roughly the same as the a 270x (no such thing as a 370x) and as the newer card it gets chosen over the one it replaced. had they chose a 270x then you would have said "the 370 is newer why pick the older 270x, way to mess up again toms" in either case, the 370 is a good representation of what amd has at that price point since the average price of the 270x is the same price as the 370.
370x, it's It's incoming, thought it was launched. 380 4gb should be wiping the floor with 960 and 950...seems off. Of course they use the slowest smallest 380 2gb they could find.
370x, it's It's incoming, thought it was launched. 380 4gb should be wiping the floor with 960 and 950...seems off. Of course they use the slowest smallest 380 2gb they could find.

Never heard of a 370x.

The 380 that was tested is the one we had. simple as that. we didn't go buy this card for the review.
Also, why would we test a 4GB 380 against this group of cards? they are all 2GB in this roundup.
yah would be nice to see it paired with lower end cpu's since this is likely where it will be used. paired with the unlocked pentium and as an upgrade to an a10 would be an interesting comparison. this is likely what folks would pair it with or possible an i3 cpu or older amd cpu's

Yeah I want to get one to replace the GTX 660 in my HTPC. Especially if I plan to get a 4K TV in the near future.
First, it looks from the pix like this card can be SLI'd. Any official word on this?
Second, a disappointment as far as connectivity. Die, DVI, die! Moar DisplayLink!
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