asus gtx-750 ti oc 2gb & iso-450pp psu?


Sep 2, 2014
Hello folks,

I decided to buy an Asus GTX-750 TI OC 2GB video card.
Something like this here:

My MOBO is like 7-8 years old (it's an intel DP965LT) but according to everyone the card and its driver will work properly.
(I am using Win7 x64 sp1 EN because I've got 4 gigs of ram @ 667 mhz...I know it isn't good)
(My CPU is an Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 ghz)
My current graphics card is an out-dated MSI NX8400GS 512MB heat sink edition video card. I hate it. It's garbage. No game runs perfectly on it, ... mario 64 bit does but basically nothing else. Yeah it's not about the video card only, I know, my CPU sucks too, everything sucks in my computer. Yeah but I'm going to build a new computer next year that's why I decided to buy a gtx-750 ti thus I'll be able to move that card to my new computer.

Back on topic,

Here's what I'm afraid of:

1. The PSU. As mentioned, I'm on a low budget right now and I may not currently be able to afford a new powersupply.
2. The fans inside the case. There's only one fan built in the case itself and there's one more above the CPU itself.

Here's a picture!

This week I'll get my new video card. And according to you guys, this PSU of mine does not have enough wattage or voltage or both to support the GTX-750 TI, even though it requires significantly less power than most cards nowdays.

So what will happen if I place the GTX-750 TI into the PCIE slot, connect the monitor to it and turn my computer on? The most important question is: Will it damage the graphics card, will it harm any components? This is really important.


Worst case scenario : PSU overloads and goes out with a bang, taking half your PC with it, including the graphics card.

Probable scenario : PSU overloads and overvolts a few things, taking 1 or so component with it.

Best case : By some miracle, it works for a while, until one day down the line, 1 week or months down the line, one of the above happening.
A gtx 750 ti needs as lttle as a 350W PSU
Overclocking to atleast 3 GHz may minimse the bottelnecking and you may run any game at 720p smoothly above 25 fps
Also dont worry This GPU is the safest beast and wont eat up your CPU
I guarantee
@Novuake Does that mean placing that video card into my pcie slot will cause any kind of damage to the video card itself? Or to any other components? Or what? What will happen if I use that PSU with that card?

@Notrix Uhm, you answered the wrong question?...

Worst case scenario : PSU overloads and goes out with a bang, taking half your PC with it, including the graphics card.

Probable scenario : PSU overloads and overvolts a few things, taking 1 or so component with it.

Best case : By some miracle, it works for a while, until one day down the line, 1 week or months down the line, one of the above happening.

That's the type of answer I was expecting! Thanks.

Could you recommend a PSU which is available in my country (Hungary) and works properly with the GTX-750 TI and costs less than $50?