Both are decent cards. The 280x has 3GB of RAM which could be useful at times but for the most part I prefer the GTX 770 if you plan on going SLI in the near future as it has less issues than crossfire. The OC model of the 280x benches a little better than the 770 but I've read so many good reviews on the 770 that I tend to lean in favor of it. You'll be happy with either, go with the best value (price + games you get + whatever else (free shipping or not etc)) unless you are sure you're going sli then get the 770. If you aren't then again go for value as their bench differences aren't significant enough with regard to gaming to decide on that alone. If you want to do video recording and encoding, plan on getting a gsycn monitor down the line and other things the 770 is also better but if it's strictly gaming go for value. Hope this helps! Have fun!