ASUS HD 7970 DirectCU II Performance


Mar 7, 2013
Recently bought this card just for crazy frame rates in a game i play called Combat Arms which doesn't require a gaming computer to run it. I previously had a GTX 560 from GIGABYTE and i would usually get 200-300fps while playing and since I installed a 7970 in my system I can only reach around 80-200fps which is disappointing because i was hoping I was hoping to get at least a constant 300fps for the price i paid for this card ($450). I know you could say 80-200fps is enough but you see when i record gameplay clips the fps drops down to a constant 90fps and i usually get 150fps recording with the gtx 560. I have a feeling that my card is limited to only using what it needs to use to run the game, because i know this card can perform better than that.
Any tips or ideas?

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k
GPU: Asus HD 7970 DirectCU II
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-H77-D3H
RAM: 8GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1600
PSU: Corsair GS-600

For recording gameplay clips cause i need a decently high frame rate to record, right now i'm getting less than 90 fps while recording and i know it can go higher i just don't know how because my GTX 560 got 150fps while recording
If you're putting them up on youtube, it converts them to 30fps regardless of the source. Saw a twitch guide that recommended 25fps for streams. So, you're still WELL above what you need to be at.

Did you crank up the settings in the games after you changed GPUs? CCC might be defaulted to higher settings than the nVidia control panel had you at. If that's the case, the new GPU might be working harder than the old one so your frame rate is lower.

Edit: Did you run driversweeper to clean off the old nvidia drivers? I'd download and install that, uninstall both nvidia (if any are left) and amd drivers, reboot in safe mode, run driversweeper for both, then boot back in and install the latest CCC.

Yeh i did that and i got the same performance before and after

OP, really? We on the other thread already answered what's going on. You are seeing a CPU bottleneck being caused by the ultra low settings. The low settings is what nvidia helps out with more due to being able to help supplement the CPU. Turn up your settings in the game to take more of a load off your processor, when that happens you will have more CPU to handle the recording. Turn up your settings, buy a better CPU, buy an nvidia card, or stop trying to record games over 90fps. And you do not need any greater than 30-60 FPS for ANY screen recording program, they ALL record at 30hz or 60hz and very very rarely at 120hz. Screen recording is very CPU intensive and nvidia is meant to help with that. Your system is not broken, you are just unwilling to listen to that. You also only have a 60hz monitor, so everything above 60fps is putting pointless wear on your computer. Aim for fps equal to your monitors Hz, not for the highest fps.

You're disobeying the rules of this online forum by double posting a question that had already been answered, I hope this one gets closed. The op apparently doesn't listen to people on these forums, otherwise they wouldn't still have a problem. And op, just rma your card, if they send it back saying it works perfectly, then you need to listen to us. You have 4 options. Put in your old card and return your new one for refund. Send in you're new card for RMA as doa. Turn up you're settings to make use of the new tech. Or return your card for exchange and buy the new nvidia card. You will notice nvidia helps with your screen recording.
I just did some research for you, a buch of people get this card and have problems with CPU bottlencking. And they all say that they have problems similar to yours. CPU bottleneck is you're problem. I'm 100% certain about it.