Asus M4A785T-M and PCI-E graphics card problem


Nov 25, 2012
Hello :)

I dont know if this is the right part of the forum to ask, but I will try anyway.

I have a HTPC with the Asus M4A785T-M motherboard...connected to my samsung 63" plasma tv... and now I just bought a Radeon 7750 Graphics card.

Well, here is my problem
I use a HDMI cable from the internal graphics card to the tv.

When i put the radeon in my pc, the tv says check signal cable... when it is connected to the radeon HDMI port.
If I put the HDMI cable into the onboard card, the same thing happens.

If I take the radeon out of the pc, the onboard card works again.

Now I have tried all the different options in BIOS, cant remember the options now, since I am on another pc, but from what I understand from the manual, it has to do with what card "boots" first, internal, pci, pci-e and so on..
and the same thing happens, when the Radeon card is in the pci-e slot, I get no picture at all, not when I plug the HDMI cable in the Radeon or in the onboard.

I read somewhere that I should use IRQ in Bios for enabling my Radeon, but after 1 hour with failing and testing, I still do not see any options to change IRQ for anything in Bios...

How the H... do I get this Radeon card to work? It works in another pc, so the card is ok.. but I do not understand why it wont work in this pc... The MB had a pci-e 2.0 slot, and from what I have read, it should not be a problem to use a pci-e 3.0 card in that slot.

Heeelp heeelp!

A Bester


the bios for the radeon should be set pci-e first for graphic also did you try another card on that motherboard the pci-e slot could be defective, did you check that hdmi cable on another system and what is the os you use ?


Nov 25, 2012

I havent tried another card in the pci-e slot no, that I could do, but in my other pc, there is a Radeon 7950(70?), so it is not room in my HTPC for that huge card hehe...

The HDMI cable is ok, i have tested. I am using win7 32 bits.
Of course there could be som setup in windows also, but I cant see whats going on, since I have no picture hehe.

And yes, I have tried the pci-e first in bios, but then both the radeon and the internal wont work.


now we know that the monitor receive signal from the 7950 use the 7750 to do the same test if there is no signal then it's the one in trouble but if you get signal there is something with the M4A785T-M pci-e slot