Asus M5a78l-m le


Apr 14, 2016
I have an asus m5a78l-m le motherboard AM3+,is gtx 1060 can compatible with it? Actually i want to get a rx 480/gtx 1060 but I confused
I'd ask first what CPU you're actually using on that board ??
& also what model PSU??

At the most I'd assume a 6300 at stock speed in which case that will be the limitation.

In that scenario you won't really see any performance difference between the two cards at all , the CPU will be the limiting.

You want to base the decision on
1. Price
2. PSU model , the 480 will require a substantially better quality & stronger PSU than the 1060.

The 480 can pull in excess of 210w,the 1060 sits at around 140w.
8320e will be the limiting factor same as the 6300 would.
500w PSU ?? Need model number really mate - no mention of branding generally puts me on alert , you need a GOOD 500w model to run a 480.

Offhand straight away id put the 1060 as a more sensible proposition for you.

rather you actually pulled your case side & told us the model mate in all honesty but yes the 1060 will be a safer bet irregardless.

If your psu model is anything even half decent - thinking evga 500/corsair cx/vs then you could infact run a 480 though & the 4gb model should be substantially cheaper than a 1060.

The colorful cards aren't available in the UK so I have no experience with them at all.
They look decent , I would not go with that top of the range model of theirs though if there is anything cheaper available.
Its an 8 pin overclocked model, ypubshould ho with the most cost effective (cheapest) 6 pin model you can find mate.
There is no point spending extra money - you will not see any extra performance from it.
Absolutely mate.
Honestly if you took all the 1060 models there were available from any manufacturer & tested them against each other I'd be surprised if there was more than a 3% performance difference between the cheapest & most expensive.

If the twin fan is available then I'd imagine it's also 5-10% cheaper??
It's the sensible choice.
Actually yes the 3 fan cost around 10% more than 2 fan.
The performance should be the same i think because if it is different all benchmarks must tell the manufacturer that them used to run a benchmark