Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 Freezing Screen


Nov 17, 2014
So the problem Is that the screen will randomly freeze. Asus is taking days to get back to me with smalls blerbs of information.
I have tried replacing the components one at a time from my wife's working PC and have concluded that it is the Mobo. I ran Asus' Diagnosis tool that they sent me and everything came back good.

It was freezing the screen constantly at first. It even froze the screen during a windows install (outside of the OS). Now it doesn't freeze often.

When it freezes now: after a Match or two in League of Legends. It will freeze after the load in, or when I select a champion (portrait click and when they start saying their little catch phrase) but not all the time.

The one thing I can do to get it to freeze consistently, every, single, time. Is about 3 seconds after getting to the title screen in a game called Gnomoria. It freezes every time while being able to run 3d games no problem.

The Freeze: No fan speed drop. Able to button reset. Nothing else Notable.

Thank you for reading,
Please message me if i need to edit my post to look better (don't do forums often)

O/S : Windows 8.1 64bit
CPU: AMD FX-8350 (Tried wife's Phenom II CPU too)
Mobo: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0
Ram : Kingston HyperX Blu 4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 (Ram speed set per vendor)
SSD : Kingston V300 120GB SATA 3 SSD (Tested win install on another HDD, still froze)
PSU : BFG 650W (Tried Falcon 750W)
GPU : EVGA Nvidea GeForce GTX 650 (Tried GTX 450)