ASUS Maximus VII Hero - No POST


Sep 18, 2015
Hi All!

This is my first post, if you can help me I would appreciate it a lot:
- Asus Maximus VII Hero
- Intel Core I5 4690K
- Coolermaster EVO212
- MSI GTX 970
- 8GB Vengance Pro DDR3 1600
- 1 Intel SSD 128 GB
- 1 TB WD Blue
- Phantom 630 case

My first build! and it was going really well, until this happened:
After the first boot, I was installing stuff, when suddenly my PC went off.
When I tried to boot it, nothing happened (other than MoBo LEDs on). By nothing I mean, not even Q-code

First thing I did was to test by unplugging everything, except memory, CPU and fans, still nothing. Tried clearing CMOS, updating BIOS, nothing but CPU and CPU stock fan, out of the case, still nothing (cables are always connected, PSU powered on).

Also, I tested my PSU with the clip test, fans spins.

The only thing that I noticed is that, when I press the CMOS, Q-code appears for a brief instant (00 code), and fans tries to spin (though, it wont achieve not even one spin).
Its either CPU, MoBo or both. I already contacted intel and Asus to claim warranty, but I would like to see if there's a test I could do to and avoid sending both back.
If someone have been through this kind of issue, or have an idea on what I could do next, I would really appreciate it.

I would agree with the first poster, the cause of it all will be the 430W Evga power supply you have bought you should be looking at 500W to 550W to keep the system happy and stable.

If you add a Pci-e based graphics card solution to your system 430W just is not going to cover it.
Even without a Pci-e card in your build. the 430W is not enough to drive the I5 4690k cpu and all of the rest of the components you have in your build.

And why it shut down after a few minuets of operation and will now not work after a shut down.
It likely that the PSU is overloaded and has tripped an overload protection circuit on the power supply you have preventing it from fully powering up, and the system.


Sep 18, 2015

I was installing a couple of programs (so yep, the system was running).

When I received the Psu that was just my thought (rookie me).

I'll get a new one (probably a 700w to have some room, most likely I'll add new components to my rig soon).
Once I've tried that I'll let you know if, indeed, is the Psu.




Sep 18, 2015
Hi again!

Ok, so as an update, I've managed to get a new PSU, coolmaster 650V. I connected everything (making sure all cables are plugged in), and begin making my tests once more.

Unfortunately, the same results as last time (though, if it helps, when I try to power it on, I hear a click in the PSU, but no POST/q codes at all). I made a couple of additional tests, such as with or w/o RAM sticks, in different slots and still nothing. Also, re-did the clip test just to be sure my new psu to be sure it wasn't faulty, success.


Sep 18, 2015

Followed it...seems its CPU problem :( well, seems I'll have to contact Intel then!

Thanks a lot guys!


Sep 18, 2015
So, couple months later...the MoBo was the cuplrit in the end. I sent both the CPU and MoBo to RMA, CPU was OK, but the MoBo had some faulty caps. Now is up and working!!!!
The really annoying part is that it took 2 whole months for my MoBo to get back from ASUS. Long story short, they messed up the shipping, two times.

Thanks a lot guys!!!