ASUS Motherboard DRAM LED Solid Red


Jan 10, 2015
My computer specs are
ASUS Sabertooth P67
Intel i7-2600K
4GB RAM DDR3 x 2
Zotac GeForce GT610
Corsair TX 650M Power Supply

The problem I'm having is that the DRAM LED is a solid red when I turn on the computer, and I get no video at all, regardless of which GPU I got in. It does not get to the BIOS, or boot up past turning on.

So, a few months back, I spilled a little bit of milkshake into my computer, and some of it got onto the GPU only (Nvidia Gtx 470). During December, I was away from home for a few weeks and there was apparently a power failure. So I eventually got home, and the computer wasn't booting and was POSTing beeps, signifying GPU card error.

During this time, I removed a stick of RAM, turned the computer on, same effect, turned it off, put it back in, turned it on, and ever since, the DRAM LED has been a solid red, even after switching the GPU with the Zotac.

I've tried resetting the CMOS with the clear RTC jumper, and this has had no effect. My computer does make beeps when there is no RAM at all, so the CPU should be fine. I'm thinking it could be my motherboard, or I need to buy new RAM, but want to get some help here first, as I don't believe it will solve the problem. I've tried 1 stick of RAM in every slot, and still nothing, same with MEMok

Anyone got any suggestions? And I know, spilling milkshake in it was stupid, and yes, that caused the GPU to get some rust on it, and I got blue screens quite often. I should've never removed the RAM, the stupid things I do.. as that wasn't the problem, originally.
The sabertooth boards have those LED's for diagnosing purposes. That light means that the issue is the Ram. first try removing the ram and cleaning the contacts with some rubbing alcohol, as pure as you can get and not scented either, to be sure your getting a good contact in the slots. If you have the memOK button try pressing this while the light is on. After this if the issue remains remove 1 ram stick and retry the one left in every slot along with the other one to be sure it will not boot. IF you still have the issue try a different set of ram in it to see if that will cure the issue.
The sabertooth boards have those LED's for diagnosing purposes. That light means that the issue is the Ram. first try removing the ram and cleaning the contacts with some rubbing alcohol, as pure as you can get and not scented either, to be sure your getting a good contact in the slots. If you have the memOK button try pressing this while the light is on. After this if the issue remains remove 1 ram stick and retry the one left in every slot along with the other one to be sure it will not boot. IF you still have the issue try a different set of ram in it to see if that will cure the issue.