Question Asus P8Z68-V LE No post/No Display/No Keyboard

Jul 4, 2023
Hello everyone,

So I have an older PC with a Asus P8Z68-V LE motherboard. I recently wanted to upgrade my graphics card and ram. I put in the new graphics card and 4 sticks of RAM also changed the thermal paste on the CPU while I had the case open (hadn’t been changed since the pc was built 8+ years ago. After installing the hardware, I booted up the system and was prompted with the Asus UEFI bios screen. I elected to use default settings and confirmed. After that the pc acted as if it was going to restart, but I got a black screen and no keyboard power. The fans inside the case are spinning and I see no LED error lights. I also put the old hardware back in like it was when it was working and still no post. I can’t even get to a bios screen again. No boot at all. No error beeps from the motherboard speaker (verified it’s working).

What I have tried so far:
Reset CMOS by removing the battery and moving the jumper. (Tried this more times than I can remember.

Replacing the CMOS battery.

Trying single sticks of the previously working ram in every slot.

Checking the cpu for pin issues

Tried using onboard video slot (DVI)

Put in the motherboard utility dvd. Disc drive spins up and then nothing.

I thinks that everything. Just odd I would get the bios screen and then it died. Been working fine prior to the attempted upgrade.

Any help appreciated!
Use single ram module.
Remove graphics card from system.
Use integrated graphics instead.
Note - cpu needs to have iGPU. Some models may not have it.

List full specs of your system.
Include full model name of PSU also. If some unknown PSU brand, then show a photo of info label printed on PSU.
(upload image to and post link)
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Thank you for the quick reply. I will get those specs listed as soon as I can (been a busy week).
Below is my parts list. Keep in mind this is an 8+ year old system:

Intel i5 2500k LGA1155

ASUS P8Z8-V LE motherboard

Corsair Vengeance 8gb DDR3 (4gb x2) RAM

CoolerMaster Silent Pro M 700w PSU

120gb PNY Pro SSD

Seagate Barracuda 1TB SATA HDD

CoolerMaster CM 690 case

I was trying to upgrade to:

ASUS ROG GeForce GTX1060

Patriot PSD38G16002H 8gb (4 sticks). 32gb total

I had all the new components in when I got the bios screen and then it “restarted” and never worked again.
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Use single ram module.
Remove graphics card from system.
Use integrated graphics instead.
Note - cpu needs to have iGPU. Some models may not have it.

List full specs of your system.
Include full model name of PSU also. If some unknown PSU brand, then show a photo of info label printed on PSU.
(upload image to and post link)
I have tried to remove everything and go to onboard video via DVI and 1 stick of RAM with no luck.
Try different video outputs (without graphics card installed).
Motherboard has DVI, HDMI, VGA.
I currently have no video card installed. I only have a dvi cable for my monitor. I could get a connector for the vga port but I don’t think that’s going to work if I have no USB power (I have tried all usb ports).

By the way, I’m not opposed to just getting new components but I would rather replaced what’s failing and not guess haha.
What is USB power?
What are you powering from USB?
I was referring to the fact that not even my keyboard is getting power. Not referring to anything video related. Is that normal that the video (on board) would work even though there is no power to the USB ports?
Just as an update:

I found this in the motherboard manual:
“During POST, only the monitor connected to the D-Sub port has display. The dual display function works only under Windows”

I’m thinking the reason no video is coming up when using onboard video is because I’m hooked into the DVI onboard port. Looked everywhere in my cables and couldn’t find a single darn VGA cable…sigh..Ordered one from Amazon . I will post an update tomorrow.
Got a VGA cable and hooked that to my monitor..Still getting same results! I will say that when I connected it, the monitor came out of sleep mode, but then went back to sleep. I’m not sure if that means there’s some power going to the onboard video but no signal? Troubleshooting is so much fun! LOL

BIOS chip got corrupted somehow. Purchased a new chip with latest bios version and now everything booted up fine. They really should make all motherboards with socketed bios chips for this reason. Thanks for the reply’s.