TCA_ChinChin :
jimmysmitty :
A few I am sure. People will buy it for a single CPU server for a small business or the like. A shop I worked at we built our own from desktop class parts. Not the best but since we didn't need an insane server it was vastly cheaper.
Wouldn't people in that use case just buy a cheaper single CPU from either Intel or AMD? This CPU will most definitely be more expensive than the non-overclockable 28 core Intel chip that its based on and definitely more expensive than many of the Epyc chips, so why not just buy those instead?
First, this chip is overclockable. They were showing it off. It iwll take a lot of cooling but it is.
Second why would a person buy a $140K Audi or Mercedes when a $30K Ford/Chevy etc do the same thing for way less? Because there are people who have nothing but money to throw around and just buy whatever.
However there is one caveat. While AMD does have more cores Intel does, for the time being, have better IPC and higher clocks per core. In the server space Intel still does well against AMD even with less cores.
Then there are the hard core fanboys who will buy just one brand no matter what.