Asus Strix z270e won't boot, lights on but fans not running. Need help!


Jun 22, 2017
Here are the parts, all brand new:

Asus Strix z270e
Pentium G4560
SilverStone 1200w psu
G.Skrill 8BG DDR4 2400
and some other stuff that's not important

When I turn on the power one led lights turns on (pwr_led) as well as the fancy lights on the motherboard but none of the "boot_device_led", "cpu led", "vga_led" or "ram led" turns on.

The cpu fan don't move and no beeping sound from motherboard either. And yes I have connected both 8pin and 24 pin power to the motherboard.

What I've tried is moving ram on every slot but still the same. Removed the battery and clear the ram in CMOS by short-circuit it.

I try to boot with only CPU, Ram and SSD installed but nothing happends.

My motherboards last digit is 0505 as well if that makes a difference. I highly doubt it is that the bios need a upgrade just to boot.

Anyway I need some tips what could be wrong here? Motherboard, CPU, PSU or ram?

I dont have any other parts to test with either. Any suggestions are welcomeing.