ASUS V7100 GeForce2 MX?????


Dec 31, 2007
Men, what's up with the GeForce2 MX?
I've been having nothing but problems running games. UT doensn't run smooth, and Quake III runs looks like crap.
I've tried every driver, even the detonator 3 from nvidia site didn't help.
I got a MSI K7Pro 2A, 700 Athlon, 128meg on win 2k.

I might have to go back to vodoo.
Any body having the same problem out there, or any suggestion?


Dec 31, 2007
Since you are using a MicroStar "Via" mobo ... stick with the Det 6.31 drivers ... not all driver releases from NVIDIA are compatible with a VIA chipset. For example, the older 6.18 drivers are strictly for Intel mobo's ... if you installed them, your monitor would exhibit rather odd behavior, such as the desktop being nothing but a flowing mass of color. It's not pretty.

Your problem is due to the Operating System. Windows 2000 is not optimized for gaming. It's as simple as that. This is why Microsoft has one OS positioned for home users, and the other for corporate workstations.

AMD processors, VIA chipsets, GeForce cards and Win2k do not play well together. Go back to Win98SE.



I have a post that is close to yours. my system actually runs quite well, except I get random lock ups. i updated the bios to my video card and it didn't crash for a long time.I was so happy I was sure that I solved the problem. then a while later it would crash everytime. I put my old banshee cards back in. so far so good but like i said these lock ups have been totally random so its to early to tell. anyway I don't know of a card that performs as well as the mx. im tempted to just send this back and buy a p3.