[SOLVED] Asus vs Gigabyte B360m Boards

Aug 14, 2018
Hello everyone, I am about to start my first build. I’m using an i5 8400 and a gtx 1060. I’ve decided that I want to use a B360m board, I just don’t know whether to use a Gigabyte or an Asus one. I wouldn’t mind MSI if they’re that much better. in terms of reliability which of these is the best?

Gigabyte: https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-B360M-DS3H-LGA1151-Motherboard/dp/B07BQ9SSH7

Asus: https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-LGA1151-Motherboard-Prime-B360M/dp/B07BP6RGG6?crid=1WRB3GRSG4FUN&keywords=asus+b360m&qid=1534272837&sprefix=asus+b360&sr=8-1-fkmrnull&ref=mp_s_a_1_fkmrnull_1
If U wanna a decent MOBO with value; Asrock B360M pro4 is best in b360m values.

Hence, I personally use asus prime b360m-a. Its good, nice performance and a m.2 slot :)
If U wanna a decent MOBO with value; Asrock B360M pro4 is best in b360m values.

Hence, I personally use asus prime b360m-a. Its good, nice performance and a m.2 slot :)