the only reason to use anything other than linux is sheer gaming. if you don't use your pc to game. then use linux. (and you can run a LOT of games on linux) if you want to pay double for a crApple then go ahead and support foxconn, and it's human rights \/olations that implicate murder and crApple turning a blind eye to it. Go for it, because you ha\/e no morals when it comes to your money and products. If you want a machine to game, then unfortunately you're pretty much stuck with micro$haft. Most of the money you pay them, goes to paying other people to de\/elop ONLY FOR WINDOWS. yeah. get a clue. Screw crApple for charging more for nothing you can't get elsewhere for free. and screw micro$haft for making the gaming market a closed and not free market... if you don't like what i just said... then you don't like the truth.