ASUS X99 Boards, EPU / TPU Switch Detailed.


Dec 16, 2008
I just looked up on this EPU and TPU Switches for newer Asus motherboards and I don't see and answer on questions I have. I see some explanations on why they are for but details on how they work, well none available.

I'll be talking about X99 Deluxe motherboard, I am sure all other ASUS boards will have same or very similar switches and markings next to them.

So, let's take TPU switch. It have 3 positions, Off, TPU_I (Enabled Cpu Ratio Boost) , TPU_II (CPU BCLK and Ration Boost)

Very simple, in one position nothing happens on other motherboard will be changing Multiplier like if normally I with 5930K have 100 BCLK x 37 Muliplier motherboard will try to boot with 100 BCLK with may be 40 Multiplier witch make my CPU running at 4.0Ghz right ?

Now here is my question cause I don't see answer anywhere. How exactly motherboard determinte multiplier, does it also change voltage ? How about Memory valie and Temperature. I mean don't get me wrong I love to have a switch where I don't have to worry about anything and runn at 5Ghz but, when I play and trying to kill heroic Garrosh I hate to have BSOD. So with that I am trying to understand this switch. Now Asus have this nice utility called Ai Suite and I have all threat on this issue, but Ai Suite does exactly this but in Windows environment. It manipulate Multiplier, well as well as all other aspects voltage, BCLK, Fans, I mean anything really. But I am trying to stay away from this utility and use ONLY UEFI to get solid numbers that don't change. I mean no "on the fly" crap. Unless I am in Save power mode that I'll be talking about later.

So main question I have on TPU switch, how it determine ratio(multiplier) it'll use ? And once system in Windows Environment will my Ai Suite will be in control on multiplier and no longer the board ?

TPU_II position is exactly same but instead of using multiplier only to get to let's say to 4.0Ghz on my 5930K CPU using 100x40 setting It'll use also BCLK to do that. So in theory to get to 4.0Ghz it'll use something like this. 125 BCLK (instead of 100) x 32 (instead of 40) so we'll get same result (125x32=4000, 4000Mhz = 4.0Ghz)

I am not still quite understand why sometimes one better than other but that's how it works. There is also thing called STRAP it's similar to BCLK but BCLK can be any number like 110 or 123 or whatever STRAP can only be 100,125,167 and 250. But when you use STRAP instead of BCLK (Base Clock) it also manipulate PCIx and some other values, again I am not too clear on this but this is how I understand this.

Now let's look at EPU Switch. Now this thing is coplete unknown to me. I mean I understand that let's say Intel have this Speed Step technology where it lowering CPU speed by lowering multiplier when CPU is not in use by doing so it save you money on Electric bill and also lowering heat. So this EPU working WITH Speed Step or it not only controlling CPU but everything else. I mean I See nice features like I can disable power to some specific SATA ports, or SATA Express altogether cause if it's not in use. I mean I can totally use some more info on this but my main question is this.

As we all know when you overclocking you can't really use any power saving features cause for me at list every time I was trying to do so my system crashed , so it's OC or Power Save can't be both. So with that here is my issue. Let's say I have BOTH TPU and EPU ON ..... then what ? It almost like in that cartoon, he took Stool Softeners and Stool Hardeners.

Anyhow. so is it earthier / or type of situation or how does this work ? Because let's say I am not using Ai Suite and I honestly think unless you're full auto you really shouldn't. What do I select. How about if I can't use it I am in Ubuntu or something. Basically I am trying to find out detail on this issue. How about this. IF all switches on Disable position. Does this means motherboard wont automatically OC or Power Save anything BUT I still can do everything manually in UEFI ? I mean if that's the case I think this is the way to go. Disable Both Switches (off position) and just manually do everything in UEFI, and get rid of Ai Suite too so UEFI in charge of everything even in Windows.

There is also EZ_XMP Switch but that's for other time anyone can drop few words on this switch I'll be glad as well.

Thank you all and I am sure I have some mistakes in here on how I understand all this suff so please correct me and give me suggestions cause I am sure a lot of people have questions and according to Forum Search .. I don't see to many detailed answer on this.

Thanks !
UPDATE: Just tried XMP_EZ Switch, all it does it automatically switch to DDR-3000 XMP Prifile 2 Extreme mode. I mean my Memory rated 2800 but indeed Profile #1 is DDR-2800 yet #2 is DDR4-3000. It also change STRAP to 125 with 30 Multiplier. Stress test 30 mins in AIDA64 on CPU/FPU/Memory and Cache at same time went okay. But on PC crashed when Game loaded ( during test I had no GPU selected), because Switch forcing XMP to 3000 and not 2800 I turned it of on the board and I left all settings as is but set DDR4 to 2800Mhz