well, this is kinda surprise me
Intel X99 Motherboard Goes Up in Smoke For Reasons Unknown
For the x99 asus mb, one of the mosfets is burned during the XMP test, and I believed both CPU (i7-5960x) and mb (ASUS X99 Deluxe) are died for sure. (cost like $1500 in USD?)
This is happend durning the xmp test, so share this info for you guys.
(for the most of cases, if the mb burning at some other place, may not damage you cpu or gpu as well, but if the mosfet burning up, it may also damage your cpu, or all other components)
so, please noted: DO NOT Run the XMP test on the ASUS mb right now((ASUS X99 Deluxe),
I think most of you are already buy/planning to build a pc with x99 platform, should wait for the announce from ASUS, to see what's wrong with it. ( I believe ASUS may write a announcement with this burning issue, so just need to be wait), or get the x99 from gigabyte or msi as well.
Intel X99 Motherboard Goes Up in Smoke For Reasons Unknown
For the x99 asus mb, one of the mosfets is burned during the XMP test, and I believed both CPU (i7-5960x) and mb (ASUS X99 Deluxe) are died for sure. (cost like $1500 in USD?)
This is happend durning the xmp test, so share this info for you guys.
(for the most of cases, if the mb burning at some other place, may not damage you cpu or gpu as well, but if the mosfet burning up, it may also damage your cpu, or all other components)
so, please noted: DO NOT Run the XMP test on the ASUS mb right now((ASUS X99 Deluxe),
I think most of you are already buy/planning to build a pc with x99 platform, should wait for the announce from ASUS, to see what's wrong with it. ( I believe ASUS may write a announcement with this burning issue, so just need to be wait), or get the x99 from gigabyte or msi as well.