AT&T Customers Will Wait Even Longer for Upgrades Now

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Oct 2, 2009
Not a smart marketing decision. By allowing the upgrade before the contract is up keeps people signed up because they want the upgrade sooner. If my contact is over, I'm more likely to shop around for other carriers as long as I'm looking at upgrading my phone.


May 30, 2013
Verizon did the a while ago. They are driving alot of people to unlimited prepaid services for alot less. I'm getting tired of paying $190 a month for 2 lines and so are alot of other people in the same boat.


Mar 27, 2010
My contract was up in November last year, and I still haven't "upgraded". But that's because I hate all of AT&T's current phone offerings, and don't want to pay astronomical prices for data.
The problem isn't as much wanting to upgrade to a new device, it's to get a new OS since most of the carriers don't bother with updates for the Android devices. My phone was abandoned at Gingerbread 2.3.6, yet thanks to hackers it runs 4.2.2 Jellybean perfectly.
Meh. I'm already leaving AT&T when my contracts up. They USED to get me on the upgrade due to the girlfriend repeatedly breaking or losing every (very expensive) phone she touched within 3 months. But their service prices (and verizons) are insane. And constantly trying to raise them. Even my company discount doesn't make a dent. They are turning smart phone service into an unnecessary luxury

So... we all want carriers to not be responsible for OS upgrades right? So your complaint is you didn't get an upgrade from them, and instead you got a MUCH BETTER upgrade free of carrier garbage??

I agree with your point, the carriers need to let go of the OS completely and let updates come from the manufacturer, but they never will. Especially in the US.

And this is a tiny nitpick, but the people bringing you these great Android OSes are NOT hackers. Android is open source. WE own the hardware. there is no "hacking". Just great software development.

It would just be nice if someone, the carrier or manufacture gave updates. And yes, they aren't hackers, but are to a small extent as a lot of stuff has to be hacked to work great. Don't get me wrong, I'm a XDA member, have added a few things with my limited knowledge and donated to the people that work hard on my phone, but it's a lot harder for them to go from a GB to a JB update and make it all work when the phone can run it as fast as a Nexus but gets left behind.


Apr 2, 2010
I left AT&T for Sprint back for the EVO 3D. Nice unit just for the CPU itself. 3D was cute but relatively useless. Unlimited data again is choice. But now with the Galaxy S4, I again have a micro SD card, replacable battery (extended battery that lasts a few days watching videos on a charge), etc... with all the toys... Don't miss AT&T, ever...

Completely agree. And xda is amazing. Yea, they have to bypass BS boot loaders and carrier crap. Some consider it "hacking". I just consider them "software developers" who give their free time to better Android. It's open source. They have the right. We own the phones. And they do amazing work. And as someone in software development... I really appreciate everyone who puts their time in.

I'd like to learn when I stop working 8 days a week.
but im sure they have more passion.

Well I'm quite happy with my month to month TMobile plan. My phones are unlocked so I can simply resell them. That way I'm not really paying much different from the subsidized price but I can upgrade whenever I want. Then pay a vastly lower monthly rate the AT&T, or Verizon.

TMobile charges the same for phones. AT&T unlocks phones for free. There is a SLIGHT service discount with TMobile, but they have no network. And their customer service is horrible. WAY worse than AT&T. You should Pay less as you get way less. ALL US carriers are over charging and forcing services people don't need/want.

Where? I am with Wind which is min $30 a month for unlimited no contract and that is the cheapest I know of.

Joe Vete

Jun 3, 2013
I can hardly wait until iOS 7 comes out so I can dump AT&T, get the cheapest plan I can and make voice calls over FaceTime through wi-fi on all my iOS Devices.

Wait, you could not do all that already from your iOS devices?

Sorry, man...
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