At which temperature will the CPU be damaged?


Jul 6, 2017
Hello, I`m talking about the kaby lake series and intel cpu in general..

At which temperature will the cpu be damaged? The safety (shutdown) occurs before damage or the damage occurs anyway afterwards and the shutdown is not to explode?

I`m asking because I ve been running ReinbowSixSiege for about 30 min with 82 C (avarage) and 86 C (maximum). Is my CPU damaged in any way? Even slightly?

My CPU: i7 7700

Damaged? No...
But that's not a safe temp to stay on for a long time.

Normally, you'll begin to see throttles as you push it a little beyond that.
Nevertheless, it won't break or anything like that, it will likely shut itself down or throttle to the point of being unusable but will be all good(in most cases) when it cool off.

Make sure your thermal paste is well applied, your case is rid of dust and your fan + heatsink is properly placed because that's not a normal temp for a non-overclocked CPU, even with intel stock cooler.
Damaged? No...
But that's not a safe temp to stay on for a long time.

Normally, you'll begin to see throttles as you push it a little beyond that.
Nevertheless, it won't break or anything like that, it will likely shut itself down or throttle to the point of being unusable but will be all good(in most cases) when it cool off.

Make sure your thermal paste is well applied, your case is rid of dust and your fan + heatsink is properly placed because that's not a normal temp for a non-overclocked CPU, even with intel stock cooler.