I would be interested in this more if it included the library from all Atari systems, including the 2600, the 5200, the 7800, the Jaguar, and the Lynx. Given the ROMs were incredibly small back in the day, most every game could fit onto a single SD card. The processing speed would not need to be much at all for the old 6502-based games, and a mobile phone chip is more than enough to handle the emulation of the Jaguar and JaguarCD graphics. Not sure why the talk of high-end processors here. The original processors were 8-bit in the single MHz range. Even the Jaguar used a 16-bit 68000 and a pseudo-32-bit graphics processor (note, I was one of the few that owned it and the Jaguar CD to play Tempest, AvP, and Iron Soldier CD).