Atheists and Non-Believer (I Invite you to truth)

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Feb 6, 2008
If you are Atheist and if you have question about Islam and what Islam say in that perspective then I can answer it for you! Inshallah. :)
Let's keep this discussion civil and respect each other's opinions and religious beliefs - we all might learn something from this.

I too would like to hear about how popular Sharia law is amongst Muslims.

I assume by "non-believer" the OP is referring to Christianity, Judaism, etc, since the thread title distinguishes it from atheists?
I differentiate in my mind between a non-believer and an atheist.

There are those who have never heard of a 'god' before. And there are those who have been informed and decide to not believe.

I don't lump them into the same category myself.


Yeah, a "lack of faith" by definition, you prove your own ignorance every time you post something like this.

If you are going to lash out at me, and continue lashing out, at least have some fun with it and try not to be so cynical, it just perpetuates the curmudgeon I've described you as! But, I guess if you are going to live up to a really low bar expectation...

After a moment of thought to, I find it laughable at best that this is one of the areas you try to attack me on, being a Native America as you are. You don't believe the mainstream religious crap, and by Riser' own claim he doesn't either, so I guess we are all in the same, small sinking vessel. At least we aren't arguing about who is more peaceful by dropping bombs on one another...


Thats a very silly thing to say. You dont need god to be a good person.

Also I think we've scared away the original poster.
maybe some brave fellow should create a Religion thread.....

I think you may need to expand on that though a bit Oldman.

I dont believe in God im, if anything god is the physical laws of the universe.


So you are a deist? You believe that there was some sort of divine influence in the creation of the world, and believe there to be no influence afterword?


You believe there was a creator and he does influence the world around us since then?


I don't believe either of your ideas.


That's so awesome does he have a local sub-branch near me?
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