
Jan 20, 2004
I installed a new Athlon XP 3200 in my ASUS A7N8X Deluxe motherboard but I noticed that the ASUS PC Probe data indicates: External Clock - 200MHz; Max Speed - 3000MHz; Current Speed - 2200MHz. I also have an XP 3000 and the Probe data for it indicates Max Speed is 3000; shouldn't the XP 3200 have a Max Speed of 3200MHz instead of 3000MGz?


As you know, the actual speed of the xp3200+ is 2.2 gigs. What asus probe is saying is that your mobo can handle cpus that run at 3.0 gigs. Amd will not make a cpu that runs that fast.


Aug 8, 2003
The 200Mhz external clock is the FSB (Front Side Bus) of the processor, the 3200+ has a multiplyer of 11, so that makes 11x200=2200MHz. The 3000Mhz is the theoretical maximum speed of the chip. Since the 3000+ also has the Barton Core (same chip as 2500+ upto 3200+) it has the same indicated MAX speed.
here are some stats of the speeds of the different processors.
Note that the 3000+ with the 200MHz FSB is actually faster than the one with 166FSB, this is because of the higher bandwith the 200Mhz provides.

- 3200+ = 2200MHz (200x11)
- 3000+ = 2000MHz or 2158Mhz (200x10, or 166x13)
- 2800+ = 2075MHz (166x12,5)
- 2700+ = 1992MHz (166x12)
- 2600+ = 1909MHz (166x11,5)
- 2500+ = 1826Mhz (166x11)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong



Jan 20, 2004
OK, then the only difference between the XP 3200 and the XP 3000 is the 400MHz FSB v. the 333MHz FSB...and both have a max speed of 3000MHz?


No, the fastest chip that the mobo would support is 3000mhz. Even with liquid hydrogen cooling, you would not be able to run any of the current barton or xp chips at that speed. The xp 3000 actually is now a 200 fsb part. It runs stock speed of 2.1 gigs. Asus is saying that if Amd came out with a chip for this board that ran at 200 X 15, it would work on the board.


Apr 2, 2002
What he is saying is that your 3.2+ does NOT run at 3.2G. None of them do. It is just a PR system. It runs at 2.2G. The maximum your board will allow is 3G. So if you were to overclock, the maximum speed you would reach would be 3G (non PR rated).

AMD Is An Anagram Of MAD, Intel Is An Anagram Of INLET, Cyrix...Ah Who Cares?


May 9, 2001
OK, then the only difference between the XP 3200 and the XP 3000 is the 400MHz FSB v. the 333MHz FSB...and both have a max speed of 3000MHz?
No ...

There are two version of the Athlon XP 3000+. One runs at 2.17GHz on a 333MHz bus (167MHz bus speed x 13.0 multiplier = 2.17GHz). The other runs at 2.1GHz on a 400MHz bus (200MHz bus speed x 10.5 multiplier = 2.10GHz). Remember that it's a DDR bus, so you divide 333MHz or 400MHz by 2 to get the actual bus speed, which will either be 167MHz or 200MHz.

The Athlon XP 3200+ only has one version, which runs at 2.2GHz on a 400MHz bus.

Like someone pointed out, the 3000+ and 3200+ are just performance ratings, not actual speed. The 3000MHz maximum for your board just says that the board could theoretically handle a chip running at 3.0GHz, if one existed. It does not refer to the performance ratings.

<i>Money talks. Mine always likes to say "goodbye." :smile: </i>


Jan 6, 2004
HP have contacted AMD about making an AXP3200+ on a 166 fsb for there use.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My 3dfx Voodoo5 6000</A>


Nov 6, 2003
Yes like JoeB is saying and I will confirm his numbers for the 3200+ as I am using one right now to type this post.

I also have a XP 2800 running on my other system and Aida32 is reporting the CPU @

CPU AMD Athlon XP-A, 2100 MHz (6.25 x 336) 2800+

I have some DDR400 stuffed into that A7N8X Deluxe so I have the CPU set to 166x12.5 and it is running a little higher then the stock setting of 2075MHz I am at 2100MHz but I have not touched the voltages or overclocked it, the RAM is set to SPD and the other settings are set to aggressive in the A7NX8 Deluxe BIOS.

Yes AMD should post true GHz values on their CPU's that one factor alone has lost them more sales then openly marking their real CPU speeds.

Many new persons that want to build a home computer for their own tastes get baffled by the weird PR numbers AMD uses and will go to the Intel CPU because they state right on the package the true GHz the CPU is running at.

I am an AMD fan but that PR references that AMD uses has pissed me off for years. After I get more low down on the AMD64's and it looks like that could be a few years before everyone know where that is going to fall because INTEL has not released their version yet and there is very little in supporting software, I might consider Going all Intel on a new test set-up. But I so hate the driver set-ups for Intel...........such a poor way for drivers to be maintained they are so susceptible to hacking in online games.

The last time I used Intel was some time ago but it was a Intel P3 750 as I recall but we had it clocked to 800MHz in a SCSI system.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Jan 6, 2004
confirmed source of AMD AthlonXP 3200+ running on a 166 fsb :

clock speed is 2.33 GHZ and you can select it <A HREF="" target="_new">here</A> in the cpu section.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My 3dfx Voodoo5 6000</A>
But I so hate the driver set-ups for Intel...........such a poor way for drivers to be maintained they are so susceptible to hacking in online games.

Oh please great one... tell me how Intel drivers are more 'hackable' than any other drivers on the market? For that matter who the hell hacks drivers in online games? Intel's driver setup is one of the best out there.

I really don't know where you get this kind of information. Does it just pop into your head and you immediately post it? Do you dream it up at night? Are you on crack and post your halucinations?

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>


Nov 6, 2003
I do not know all the details but some goofwad representing himself as a Microsoft Rep was in touch with the class3 Versign code signing people.

He was not in fact affiliated with Microsoft but managed to get some of the certificates that Verisign provide.

The article then said that with these certificates anyone who has them can spoof right into any MS computer even if file sharing is disabled and you have a patent fire wall or server running.

With those Verisign certificates spread all through college campuses we are seeing gamers come into our game server and using them as a bridge or Trojan to access other players computers right through the game server.

In fact they can bring in game hacks SCRIPTS that enhance their game play right through the STEAM platform provided by VALVE to support games like Half Life the original version Counter Strike and Day Of Defeat.

They go right into the operating systems through the server as it sees the verisign authentic certificate and they corrupt anything from graphics drivers to hardware drivers for the main motherboard drivers. For some reason most of the guys complaining about that problem are the Intel players. Again for some reason the VIA4 in ones drivers seem to be harder to corrupt. I have felt thease intrusions scanning my system in game through packet flooding that I can monitor with COMMVIEW and see the attack in progress. Since my RJ45 is running at the 1 GHz level on my new Nvidia chipset it would take more then one hacker that's proly on a 10/100 switch to crack my P.C I can feel the attack when it hits you get a small buzz in the headset and the game freezes for just a mill of a second then continues like nothing happened.

I hit a quick key that then launches COMMVIEW and I can see the attacking IP number. Then when you flip open a cookie cleaner like Norton's you can actually see the certificate used and with COMMVIEW open you can see the attackers IP and locations.

Since our whole clan is equipped with these tools and other clans on other servers are reporting the same intrusions as well as the core group of server Administrators that I am one of we are piecing together the new threat and informing STEAM about it.

We had one member even say they loaded a MS driver for his CPU that was not the correct driver this indicates that they can circumvent all fire wall and server protection and get right into the device drivers for the target P.C

Now all this is not speculation you can do a Google search on these verisign drivers that are being used to spoof just about any system the attacker wants.

It is now very wide spread because we see the IP attacks coming out of college campuses through .edu@ ip number such and such so we can now understand that the even the gamers from the campuses have gained access to these certificates.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Oct 29, 2002
But I so hate the driver set-ups for Intel...........such a poor way for drivers to be maintained they are so susceptible to hacking in online games.




<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
dhlucke - "Phew...ok my wrists are hurting. I'm taking a break."


Oct 29, 2002
Since my RJ45 is running at the 1 GHz level on my new Nvidia chipset it would take more then one hacker that's proly on a 10/100 switch to crack my P.C I can feel the attack when it hits you get a small buzz in the headset and the game freezes for just a mill of a second then continues like nothing happened.

RJ45 at 1ghz?




[edit - sorry SodNighthawk for personally insulting you.. no matter what goes on, no one should have to put up with that.]


<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
dhlucke - "Phew...ok my wrists are hurting. I'm taking a break."<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by phial on 01/22/04 10:07 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Oct 29, 2002
thats going in my siggy, classic

SoDNighthawk - "Since my RJ45 is running at the 1 GHz level on my new Nvidia chipset it would take more then one hacker that's proly on a 10/100 switch to crack my P.C"


Oct 29, 2002



edit: yea i like my old siggy better too ;P

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>


Oct 29, 2002

man the first time crashman showed me that, i almost urinated my pants from laughing :)

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>


Nov 24, 2003
Holy [-peep-]! rj45 at 1ghz. Special IC on that chip.. not to mention a dedicated T1 for you?

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.


Nov 24, 2003
You definately have one of the cooler sigs on these forums.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.
I do not know all the details but some goofwad representing himself as a Microsoft Rep was in touch with the class3 Versign code signing people.

This was your first mistake... believing something Microsoft told you about security.

The article then said that with these certificates anyone who has them can spoof right into any MS computer even if file sharing is disabled and you have a patent fire wall or server running.

With those Verisign certificates spread all through college campuses we are seeing gamers come into our game server and using them as a bridge or Trojan to access other players computers right through the game server.

In fact they can bring in game hacks SCRIPTS that enhance their game play right through the STEAM platform provided by VALVE to support games like Half Life the original version Counter Strike and Day Of Defeat.

This has NOTHING to do with the chipset or it's drivers. This is COMPLETELY the fault of the OS. The fact that the OS allows remote users to do anything of the sort should tell you that your OS isn't secure... and it has nothing to do with the drivers installed on it.

They go right into the operating systems through the server as it sees the verisign authentic certificate and they corrupt anything from graphics drivers to hardware drivers for the main motherboard drivers. For some reason most of the guys complaining about that problem are the Intel players. Again for some reason the VIA4 in ones drivers seem to be harder to corrupt.


I hit a quick key that then launches COMMVIEW and I can see the attacking IP number. Then when you flip open a cookie cleaner like Norton's you can actually see the certificate used and with COMMVIEW open you can see the attackers IP and locations.

Since our whole clan is equipped with these tools and other clans on other servers are reporting the same intrusions as well as the core group of server Administrators that I am one of we are piecing together the new threat and informing STEAM about it.

We had one member even say they loaded a MS driver for his CPU that was not the correct driver this indicates that they can circumvent all fire wall and server protection and get right into the device drivers for the target P.C

Again, it's the OS that allows this, not the drivers. If people are gaining access to computers that easily, they're not going to care about corrupting drivers.

Since my RJ45 is running at the 1 GHz level on my new Nvidia chipset it would take more then one hacker that's proly on a 10/100 switch to crack my P.C

I'll ignore the blatant mistake you made here for now... everyone else pointed it out already. Assuming you meant 1 G<b>b</b> per second... your actual connection speed to the internet likely isn't that fast. I too have an integrated Gigabit ethernet adapter... and the connection to my DSL modem is only 10Mb/s. My actual download bandwidth is only 1.5Mb/s. Therefore, to say you have a straight gigabit connection to the internet is ludicrous.

I love how you keep trying. :smile: It really makes my day. I haven't laughed so much in ages. Unfortunately, someone here has to convey the truth.

<font color=red> If you design software that is fool-proof, only a fool will want to use it. </font color=red>


Oct 29, 2002
btw guys, id like you to note that i deleted the insult i made to SodNighthawk

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>


Oct 29, 2002
i know, i wasnt worried about gettin banned.. i flamed far worse than that when i first came here

but showingsomeone they are wrong, and then insulted them are two different things

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>