ATI 4870 Randomly resets.


Jun 9, 2009
Windows Vista 64 bit

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400

HIS ATI HD 4870 512mb


I've been having a problem with my computer restarting while playing games. The problem started out with L4D after 5 - 20 min of game play my computer would randomly restart, over time its started to become all of my games that are having this problem. The only games that work without reseting my computer are Crysis and CoD 5.

I've tested everything: CPU, Memory, PSU, GPU, and Mobo they all seem to be working okay. Recently FarCry 2 has started to reset my computer. I'm starting to think the issue has something to do with ATI's drivers. The last time all of my games worked properly I was using CCC 8.10.

I've deleted my ATI folder before so I could test my computer to see if the problem had something to do with the video card. I installed a Nvidia 9800 GTX+ amd ot wprled fine on the games I have been having issues with. By deleting the folder I've lost all the old drivers I had saved.

Now that I'm trying to test and see if the driver is the problem AMD/ATI no longer have the driver available for download. I've tried to get 8.10 from sites like and CNET, but after I install the driver and restart the computer I get an error saying that the video driver could not be installed.

The only thing that seems to fix the issue is to underclock my video card down from it's defalut GPU clock 750MHz and Memclock 900MHz to GPU Clock 500MHz and 500MHz memclock. I have no idea why that works but it really takes a tole on my FPS so I'd really like to get the issue fixed.

Does anyone know of a place where I can get a woking 8.10 driver, or has anyone had the prolem, or do you guys know of a fix to this issue?


Mar 30, 2007
What psu are you using? If underclocking the video card fixes the problem, then your problem is likely either a bad psu, overheating video card, or dieing video card.


Jun 3, 2009
the reason underclocking your card helps is because your overheating. make sure you have good airflow in your computer. i fixed this by modding my 4850's bios (not as simple as a motherboard bios), it was difficult but i managed to make it so ccc cranked the fan up higher and sooner (default is it goes to 100% at 106 degrees). the other option you have is to manually change the fan settings in the overdrive section of ccc
reply if you need help modding if you choose that route

edit: take option 1, 8.10 is outdated, this is 9.6... big difference... if im seeing them properly
lol glad i went to see that im running 9.5 needed an update


Aug 17, 2008
don't get 9-6 they are **** well to me anyway

do oyu have SP1 installed as farcry2 needs it or it won't run properly it could be possible its that casuing it we all know what vista is like


Jun 9, 2009
I'm using a 800watt Ultra X3 which I know is good because it ran a 9800GTX+ with no problems. That card uses about the same amount of power as the HD4870.

The card is not overheating as well because the computer will reset with the GPU at 52C, which it can operate up to 92C. The CPU is not overheating either because a restart has happened at 27C and that's almost idle temp.

I've installed the latest SP for Vista.