[citation][nom]airborne11b[/nom]I went to a local PC shop and traded my 2 5870s for 2x 295 GTXs with the store owner. Really cool guy.He wanted to try out DX11, and I was sick of BF:BC2 crashing, Dirt2 lock ups, and AVP Stuttering, even after trying all the 9.xx and 10.x drivers available.Can't be more pleased with the trade. I'll never go back to ATI ever again.(Oh and in the same month, I bought a gaming laptop that had the mobile 5870 in it, and Games were constantly crashing and getting white screens, double burn from ATI all in 1 month. needless to say I learned my lesson, and vowed never to betray Nvidia again.)Quad-SLI FTW[/citation]
Your last line gave you away. "I learned my lesson, and vowed never to betray Nvidia again"? Vow? Betray? You've got to be kidding me. There's nothing wrong with reporting driver issues, but leave your fanboy act at the door.