ATI destroys Nvidia in HL2...says ATI

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May 21, 2004
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:tongue: <A HREF="" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:


[H] shows a close story between BFG OC's and the X800 series. Anand has the plain X800XT(non pe) easily beating the 6800U, from just a few % at times up to 22% when stressed. It looks SO FAR, like ATI is in the lead. But to dominate like NV does in D3, not only does XT>Ultra need to be true, but I feel the X800 Pro would have to beat out the 6800GT also. But i guess if you include the PE, then ATI has #1&2, NV #3&4, and ATI #5, at least according to Anand's initial run at it. I'm happy to see their timedemo's available for DL so I can see what my rig does.

Nice to see the 9800P/9700P included in Anand's review.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 1GB Corsair XMS 4000 Pro Series, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt


Sep 7, 2003
ATi only pulls ahead at the highest settings by a small margin, and both vendors are still pushing +70 FPS, so it's frivolous to call either party the "winner". The Doom 3 comparison is far more dramatic IMO.

<A HREF="" target="_new">DumbLand</A>


Oct 29, 2002
These are benchmarks done by ATI If I was a ATI PR guy

yea, totally.. i didnt even bother to read it, its gauranteed to be biased

<A HREF="" target="_new">please dont click here! </A>
Brand name whores are stupid!


Sep 12, 2003
Gotta love those powerpoint panels...

Signature (up to 200 characters). You may use <font color=blue><b>Markup</b></font color=blue> in your signature


Wrong. [H] benchmarks seem to indicate that, but look at others. Rule out ATI's and Driver Heaven even and you still have Anand's and now <A HREF="" target="_new">FiringSquad</A> that show the X800 series clearly in the lead.

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 1GB Corsair XMS 4000 Pro Series, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt
ATi only pulls ahead at the highest settings by a small margin,
Acutally if you look at the 'highest settings' like Paul mentions, there seems to be a MASSIVE difference, especially since most reviewers say that ATI's 6XAA is better than nV's 4+4AA(not true 8x).

What most reviewers were showing an [H] is pretty adamant about, is that at the lower settings the game is greatly CPU limited.

So it comes down to what [H] usually focuses on in their reviews. What's mmore important, winning a ton of low res showdowns, or getting the best maximum gettings for gameplay. If the ATIs can do far bettter at 6xAA/16XAF than the nV cards do at their inferior 6x or 8x equivalent, with the ATI card pulling in easily playable frames, doesn't that really show the potential more than the GF series pulling off a few more frames above 100fps at 1024x768 with low settings?

With D3 no one focused on the lower reolutions because 'playable' framerates were capped at 60fps. Everyone naturally focused on where their cards started stuggling, and in this case those points are quite distinct.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
As long as we got that clear.

<A HREF="" target="_new">I know nothing Nuh-thing!</A> :lol:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Even I have to admit this cant be all driver issues ATI is really kicking Nvidias ass, but ATI drivers are optimised with out the option of turning optimisation off.

But even then nvidia is really getting creamed.


Feb 21, 2004
By the X800PE? Gotta buy one first.


<font color=red>Post created with being a dickhead in mind.</font color=red>
<font color=white>For all emotional and slanderous statements contact THG for all law suits.</font color=white>
but ATI drivers are optimised with out the option of turning optimisation off.
And so are nVidia's drivers, so waht's the difference?

Both ATI and nVidia have added the option to turn of SOME optimizations and nVidia defaulted one of their two main AF optimizations in their drivers, now leaving ATI and nV with one unremoveable major optimization each. However that has little to do with anything if these optimizations are benificial and not noticeable, unlike the FX floptimizations.

So neither is clean, but even more importantly, it has nothing to do with the issue at hand because it's not by floptimizations that these differences appear.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


May 21, 2004
Terry (Catalyst Maker) posted at [H] that what was the reason behind his demos showing a upto 50% better perf than NV, than the [H] ones that showed only upto 25%.

<b><i>"Sure. I can give it a shot.

The main reason why there are such differences between the Hard benchmarks and DH benchmarks is because of the timedemos used.

In summary [H] created timedemos that were indicative of average gameplay. In other words [H] used a full level as a timedemo. Showing the average framerate of a full level will cause all cards in the same category to have near identical performance. There will be areas in that level that are not graphically comlex at all, and when taking an average will benefit the inferior product.

Example, below are 2 hypothetical products that are benchmarked for 10 seconds. Each sample point is the FPS at the second.

90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90 = average is 90 FPS
60,60,90,90,90,90,90,90,90,90 = average is 84 FPS

Take a large enough sample (i.e. extend the 90's for another 50 seconds) you will see that the FPS will trend to the same number.

The other alternative to the above method is to benchmark only complex graphic situations. This in the above example would be a 2 second time demo.

90,90 = average of 90 FPS
60,60 = average of 60 FPS

The difference between the two hypothetical products is much more evident in this situation.

We have four timedemos created that are graphically complex. They were used by DH and 2 of them were even used by

I am prepared to put these demos on an FTP site for anyone who wants them. Interested?
These demos will show complex situations and will show that one hypothetical product is at times 90% faster than the second hypothetical product.

One such case will be using the flashlight. Record a timedemo of your own if you like using the flashlight alot. You will see what I am talking about.

And that concludes my lesson for the day. Cheers guys."

AGAIN - where the fu*ck are Nvidia guys ? Y arent they interacting with the community ?

:tongue: <A HREF="" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
I personally loved this segment;

will show that one hypothetical product is at times 90% faster than the second hypothetical product.
Whatever hypothetical products could he be talking about? Must be a working XGI and competitive S3 product, cause those are only throetical products, not actual ones. :evil:

Anywhooo, off to bed.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by TheGreatGrapeApe on 11/18/04 00:49 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Jan 13, 2003
Priyajeet, nVidia employees arent aloud to participate in tech forums, and speak on company matters. There are two nVidia employee's who post at Beyond3d, but they stick to company policy of course, and people leave them alone.

There is an ex-nVidia employee named ricercar who posts at, and he (at one time) explained nVidia's strict procedure with everyone, in a post he made around the time of NV30's debut.

You can keep screaming about nVidia's lack of community participation, but it wont change things one bit.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark05</b></A>


May 21, 2004
oh i m not complaing abt them, i dont care abt them, i use ati and like the fact that those guys have better relations with the community.

:tongue: <A HREF="" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:


Nov 28, 2003
pira do yo hve to us thse mde up abrvtns on al yor wds?

Asus p4c800 Deluxe,1 Gig Mushkin PC3200 Dual Channel Level II V2,Pentium 4 3.0 512k 800fsb HT, Thermaltake Xaser III, Thermaltake Spark 7+, Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro, eVGA GeForce 6800 GT


May 21, 2004
??? huh ???

:tongue: <A HREF="" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:


Jan 13, 2003
pira do yo hve to us thse mde up abrvtns on al yor wds?
I find it extremely aggravating as well. It almost makes it hard to take him serious most of the time.

Sorry Priyajeet, I cant reply to anymore of your posts, on account of <i>I find the way you type to be painful to read</i>:)

<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>3DMark05</b></A>


May 21, 2004
ok, now u have got me bamboozled. which words didnt u understand ? In this entire thread:

u = you
y = why
abt = about
m = am

except for abt, all the rest have similar or same pronunciation as the alphabets.

thats it. whats hard about them ? am i missing something ?
others i might use

ur = your
shld = should

:tongue: <A HREF="" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by priyajeet on 11/19/04 02:52 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


May 16, 2002
so you use a cellphone to make your posts, yes? :smile:

I find the extra amount of thought required to think of the abbreviated version means it's actually quicker for me to type the entire word - my brain thinks 'y','o','u','r' as I type...

maybe if you have only one finger it's faster that way :tongue: . Or maybe your ISP has <i>really</i> strict upload limits? :lol:

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen


Nov 28, 2003
If your posting from a cell phone I understand. But if your *gettin into a thread* (haha) and your flowin along posts and then all of a sudden you come to one post thats like...

i dnt wnt 2 tpe lke ths bt i hd 2...

It kind of kills the mood ya know ;)

Asus p4c800 Deluxe,1 Gig Mushkin PC3200 Dual Channel Level II V2,Pentium 4 3.0 512k 800fsb HT, Thermaltake Xaser III, Thermaltake Spark 7+, Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro, eVGA GeForce 6800 GT
Let's get a pot together to buy him some consonants for his text messaging! :evil: :wink: :evil:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil: