Question Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timout failed.


Nov 13, 2012
Well I know that you this topic has been addressed before, but my situation is a little bizarre.

So I have a few older components I wanted to try out to perhaps use as a testing rig. An older EVGA PSU, and a 460 graphics card. Neither appears to function properly and the one not at all, but I've come across something while testing functionality that I can't recall experiencing before.

I have the 460 installed firmly in the motherboard's 1 of 2 pci-e lanes with separate pigtails off the PSU to each of the (2) 6 pin connections on the 460. The PC boots seemingly fine, but loud fan noise either from the CPU fan or 1 of the 2 motherboard fans. I don't think it's the PSU fan. I'm using the mini HDMI connection on the back of the 460 with a mini to std HDMI adapter by the way. I have the required driver downloaded directly from Nvidia on a thumb drive, 391.35 as I'm running Windows 7 ultimate. The driver seems to install like normal, and I restart the PC as prompted.

Right away it's obvious that something is not right. The screen is still 800x600 so I open device manager and sure enough the 460 is listed, but with the yellow symbol and when I click on the 460 it shows error code 43. I realize it's most likely a bad graphics card or maybe driver trying to be an optimist. I go ahead and restart the PC again I guess just to see what will happen and after the Windows logo finishes loading it goes to a BSOD with the message, abbreviated basically to attempt to reset display driver and recover from timeout failed, and then a long list of numbers, and near the end NVLDDMKM is shown which catchesy eye. I did some research and I find somewhere there is another Nvidia beta driver 331.93 that apparently corrects this TDR? Issue. I try to download it directly from Nvidia but get a warning asking if I trust this as it is a rarely used driver. It downloads but shows as unconfirmed, and when I try to install I get the prompt asking which program I like to use to open. Hmm. Well I download a few other drivers in similar number range just to see what will happen. A few install, but after restarting PC same BSOD on initial restart and after 2nd restart screen that asks if I'd like to boot to safe mode, etc. I boot to safe mode, device manager, 460, and uninstall and delete drivers. I restart and PC boots fine with std VGA controller 800x600, etc.

I have an old 560 that works fine so since the cards both have (2) 6 pin connectors, and call for the same 391.35 driver I install the 560 in the same machine and reinstall driver. Looks promising, and restart PC. Uh oh same 800x600 and in device manager error code 43 for the 560 that was working fine in another PC just a little while ago.

I boot to safe mode uninstall the 560 and drivers, and shut down. I'm thinking bad PSU not supplying enough power to the cards even though it's technically 850 watts, or pci-e Lane is bad? Okay so I install a single slot no extra power connection HD 6450, and install drivers. Restart PC and runs fine.

So 2 cards that require extra power connections won't work, but a single lower power card in the same slot will. I know the 560 was working without any issues months ago, the 460 I cannot remember. It's possible both cards are just bad, but is it possible that the PSU is the culprit? Since the HD 6450 works I hope that rules out the CPU.

Advice/insight appreciated. Thank you.
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Nov 13, 2012
It's probably from 2013-2014 I'm guessing. I was leaning towards it being the PSU as well, but guess I can't rule out the GPU either. I'll have to test with another PSU. Thanks!
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It's probably from 2013-2014 I'm guessing. I was leaning towards it being the PSU as well, but guess I can't rule out the GPU either. I'll have to test with another PSU. Thanks!
You probably ruled out the GPU as being the source by trying 2 different power-supported GPUs and one that isn't and the issue continuing. That is unless age got the better of those two but I'm thinking optimistically since it's Friday. ;)