Auto Change desktop resolution according to game resolution


Apr 4, 2016
On my old machine(a really low end one) whenever I launch a game change the resolution in the game, the desktop resolution would automatically change to that so that the game fits the entire screen.

Now I bought a new laptop but in this it does not change the resolution so the game runs like a square with black sides.

Basically I want my laptop to also have a similar feature so as to fit the game to full screen and return to default resolution on closing it.

Suggest a solution please.
You can't add functionality that doesn't exist. Just run your game in a supported resolution like 720p. If your game doesn't support that type of resolution, run it windowed


Apr 4, 2016
My laptop is 1080p, but I cannot run every game in that resolution due to frame rate loss. If I lower the resolution of the game, it would appear in a box once again.

Are you sure there is no such feature as to strech the game to fullscreen?
And by that I mean changing desktop resolution to the same as of game resolution and restore it back on closing.
It can be done manually I'm sure.