Automatic (Timed) Sleep Has Stopped Working


Feb 14, 2007
I'm baffled and troubleshooting shows no errors. I believe issue started last night and has continued today. Putting my machine to sleep manually works, as does waking it using mouse and/or keyboard. However, it has stopped going to sleep automatically, based on timer. I've tried:

- Deleting custom Power Plan and making a new one
- Changing sleep timer
- Running Windows 10 troubleshooter for power (0 issues found)
- Checking Bluetooth and Network drivers...both set not to allow to wake computer.
- System restore to an automatic restore that was set yesterday

I did not install any new drivers or software so I'm not sure what is preventing it from going to sleep on its own. Any advice would be appreciated.
Well...I continued to troubleshoot and may have found the culprit. There was apparently a document sent to printer that never made it and was stuck in queue and may have been preventing computer from sleeping. I got it to go to sleep automatically so I'll see if it continues to stay fixed.