Question Automatically change FPS when using external monitor?

May 13, 2024
I have an ASUS ROG with an RTX3060 and a 17" 1080p 144Hz refresh rate screen. I sometimes plug in a 32" 1080P 60Hz external monitor, and want to know if there is a way to automatically cap my FPS at 60 when it switches to the external monitor. I have it setup that when the laptop detects the external monitor, it disables the laptop screen. Right now I manually lower the FPS settings every time, which isn't the end of the world, but I'd prefer an automatic setting if there is one. Thanks.
May 13, 2024
Hey there,

You can use the NVCP to set up a profile per game, and set the FPS top 60, or whatever value.

Thanks, but then that limits the FPS to 60 even when I'm using the laptop screen, doesn't it? I'd like to keep it uncapped (or able to go above 60 FPS) when not using the external monitor since the laptop screen refresh is 144Hz.
May 13, 2024
Under system, display, advanced display (Win 11) you can set each monitors refresh rate, so that whenever you plug in DP cable or HDMI, it will switch to the FPS/hz that you chose.
Thanks, that's the way I have it setup currently, but I still have screen tears when playing a game with uncapped FPS on the 60Hz monitor. The NVIDIA Control Panel max frame rate setting doesn't seem to care what the Windows 11 display refresh rate setting is and will blow past 60 FPS if it can. If I set the NVIDIA max frame rate to 60 (actually 58), my games run fine on either monitor, so that's what I'll stick with.

I rarely play games that benefit from higher than 60 FPS on my laptop screen these days anyway, so I'll just continue to manually switch the setting when there is a need.

Appreciate the advice in any event! Let me know if there is another option to try.