Average F2P Games - Minimum GPU requirements 2018 standards? Ambitious PC Cafe Opener


Jan 13, 2018
I was having a discussion with some mates regarding the industry and marketing schemes. I understand that to get the most uplifting experience with the latest games, not necessariy F2P, the ones that pushing 4K and FPS, are the high pricey cards such as the GTX 1070 or AMD Vega cards... but are these cards really the overall stats for most gamers around the world? I think the realistic gameplay stats from the world make GTX users the small percentage of gamers worldwide, whereas the F2P gaming community with minimal GPU requirements are the VAST majority. Is this theory true? I could be totally wrong, or rather most of Nvidias revenues come from professional sector of business and workstation cards, contracted PC buys, that give Nvidia Geforce team the image that it's the bigger profitable area.

My skepticisms is due to opening an internet cafe for gaming and provide users with unique experiences. I plan to rig 30 PCs in the venue. Should I go with the cliche PC build? Or as I stated, can I market a F2P cafe station with the most common titles that aren't too extensive? I want to have a PC cafe that is suitable for everybody and not rough gamers wanting just GTX. Am I making sense? It's such a confusing and difficult idea planning for me. Cliche builds seem the best, and I will have to fork up the money, but if throw 30 GTX 1070 cards that's a hefty budget to begin with whereas I can go with a performing GPU that's integrated into an intel processor and promote more F2P. However, that inself could be a dentrimental option.

Any advice please on what to look for in research? thanks

You can see from that link the kinds of hardware people are running. I have a skewed view as I think the 1070 is “normal” when it’s really a very small percent (scroll down to the second table). For a cafe I’d think a 1050ti is the highest you’d go and stick to 1080p.

For games, here are more steam stats but you’ll have to research which are f2p and its not comprehensive:

I’d be wary of investing in a cafe but if local conditions support it then that’s awesome. Traditional gaming cafes all closed down here (central US) about 15 years ago once high speed internet saturated the area and lower end gpu’s could support most games. I do miss talking good-natured trash with my friends in person rather than over a headset.

I had considered starting a VR cafe here but decided that cheap headsets and everyone having a smartphone would make that non-viable rather quickly as well.

Thanks your feedback dear sir.

Here in Turkey, the gaming market has a subjective saturdated market. Most gaming venues are PS4 based venues with many teens coming. As you might acknowledge, FIFA games are very popular here in Europe etc.. plus other tournaments. However, surely you agree that today's F2P or multiplayer tournament games are a lot different than before. I'm tyring to stay within PC, some of my mates say I should invest in PS4s since its infrastructure and gaming selection is unmatched.. I just don't know what instinct to take.

I will definitely look into the link you provided. Perhaps I should've been more specific, my theme for the cafe would also be tournament hosting, which brings more players together. I might even get some sponsors.