B150M Bazooka Plus CPU compatability

Sep 12, 2018
So I was wanting to get some help on compatible CPUs for my B150M Bazooka Plus mobo. I'm upgrading the CPU and I learned through my own error that the I7-8700K CPU was not compatible with my mobo. So I'm returning that CPU in favor of another one that can fit my mobo. According to the manufacturer website it can support i3/i5/i7 6th gen 1151 socket CPUs. According to PCPartPicker I can get a I7-7700K for this mobo. Which one should I trust this way I can get the right CPU this time? Thank you for your help in advance.
You don't have to get an unlocked K CPU model since your board doesn't support overclocking. So the "best CPU for your board should be the i7 7700. As I said you don't need the K model. Alternatively if you want to spend less you can get an i5 7600 but since you already wanted an i7 model get the i7 7700. It will work on your board, just make sure that you update its UEFI/BIOS before installing it though, since this CPU is newer than the motherboard and the initial BIOS versions didn't have support for it. You have to use your old CPU in order to update the BIOS. Good luck.
You don't have to get an unlocked K CPU model since your board doesn't support overclocking. So the "best CPU for your board should be the i7 7700. As I said you don't need the K model. Alternatively if you want to spend less you can get an i5 7600 but since you already wanted an i7 model get the i7 7700. It will work on your board, just make sure that you update its UEFI/BIOS before installing it though, since this CPU is newer than the motherboard and the initial BIOS versions didn't have support for it. You have to use your old CPU in order to update the BIOS. Good luck.

So as long as I go onto the manufacturers website and get the latest BIOS upgrade I should be fine?

Yes, that's correct. However you have to update it using the old CPU, since it may not recognise the new CPU. Good luck.

Ok well since I've already upgraded to the newest BIOS trying to get the 8700K to work I think I'll be able to get the 7700 to work. Thank you for your help.