[SOLVED] b450m steel legend doenst turn on

Jan 28, 2021
I bought a brand new b450m steel legend, when I went to build my pc I could not get the motherboard to turn on (only the leds would turn on). I thought I was doing something wrong so I decided to pay for a Technician to build my pc, but same thing happened and he could not get it to turn on aswell. So next day he came back and tried with a different PSU but not results. At the end of the day hes conclusion was that the motheboard bios was not updated for the 3700x, but I dont really buy that since in the box of the motherboard says that it's ''Ryzen 3000 Ready''.

I live in a small town and no one here has a cpu that I can use to update the bios.

I'm almost sending it to warranty but If I send it and the problem is on the bios I'm afraid it's going to work in their end and ship back to me without anything changed.
And I would have to pay for unnecessary shipping fees.

My question is, can the bios actually not be updated even if in the box itself says its ready for it? Or it's more likely to be a problem within the motherboard?

My build is
B450m Steel legend.
Ryzen 3700x
Vengeance LPX 16X2 3200MHZ
PSU XPG Core Reactor 750W
SSD sn750 1tb
2070 super
cpu fan would run even if mainboard would be super empty (no gpu, no cpu, no ram), this sounds like power issue, since another psu was tested, then mainboard is probably DOA
box is just box, mainboard could be shipped with different box, nothing out of ordinary
look on mainboard bios (chip) there should be sticker with bios version

bios chip is near top small pcie express x1 port

picture is cut from some random google picture, so not really great resolution...zoom it to see sticker
this one says P1.00

for 3700X your sticker will need to be atleast P2.10
Your bios should be atleast p2.10 and after it only.
Try removing all extra fan front usb and m.2 ssd and hdd and graphic card. If cpu fan starts continuing then install gpu and try. Clear cmos first remove cmos battery and install again.
box is just box, mainboard could be shipped with different box, nothing out of ordinary
look on mainboard bios (chip) there should be sticker with bios version

bios chip is near top small pcie express x1 port

picture is cut from some random google picture, so not really great resolution...zoom it to see sticker
this one says P1.00

for 3700X your sticker will need to be atleast P2.10
Says p3.30.
So I guess the problem is not on the bios?
Your bios should be atleast p2.10 and after it only.
Try removing all extra fan front usb and m.2 ssd and hdd and graphic card. If cpu fan starts continuing then install gpu and try. Clear cmos first remove cmos battery and install again.
already removed cmos and installed again, dind't work. Also tried with only one memory but nothing aswell.
cpu fan would run even if mainboard would be super empty (no gpu, no cpu, no ram), this sounds like power issue, since another psu was tested, then mainboard is probably DOA
Oh well, unlucky. Will have to sent to warranty, at least now I know it's not a bios problem and not going to waste my time trying to find a cpu to update it. Thanks anyways!