RobinBClay :
I've just bought a new add-on hard-drive. I want to copy across to it, say once a week, from C:/Robin to N:/, every file that has been changed or is new, and every new folder. Can I do this using XCOPY in a batch file ? And if so, how ?
For a simple thing as described, sure. Steps:
1. Create CO.BAT, content a single line: XCOPY /M/S C:\ROBIN N:\
2. Open Scheduler and schedule a task and run CO.BAT at the time and frequency of your choosing.
The /M says copy new and modified files/folders.
The /S says include all folders.
For a comprehensive list of what xcopy can do, simply say XCOPY /?
I forget whether XCOPY does verify. For that reason (I need verification, no excuse accurate copies), and because xcopy does not...