Backify Offers 512 GB Free Online Backup Storage

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Oct 14, 2011
I purchased livedrive to backup about 400GB of data from our datacenter. Like all other users, you will find out that your bandwidth is cut down to less than 1Mbps after you pass 200GB storage. It's useless. Same goes for most other providers. Only good for 100 or GB. After that, you are capped. You can read about it in the forums..


Feb 5, 2009
[citation][nom]blader15sk8[/nom]$100 for 1TB? You can get 2TB for around $80 now. And if you have a server, unless you have it in a really small case, you would be better off with several internal drives anyway.[/citation]Well, it's been over a year since I bought one, and they were nice WD MyBooks - think the last one I bought was $110.
My server case is very small. Just enough room for two 2TB Caviar Greens.


Feb 5, 2009
[citation][nom]BackupsReview[/nom]Backify is nothing more than LiveDrive, who have been around for a while - which is amazing, considering this terrible Livedrive review:[/citation]You're a little ignorant if you think "" is a legitimate review site.
It's clearly one of those sites that is put up by the "top reviewed" service.
There are NO ads!
No ads on a sight like that = The site itself is an ad.


Jun 16, 2007
What many of these services do is hash the data before uploading. This allows them to keep a single copy of a file on the server and simply give people access to the file who have the hash.
It is also secure since you have to have the file in order to generate a matching hash.

Though it offers no privacy so it cant be used for warez or anything else of the sort as it is easy to track all who have a specific file.


Dec 6, 2008
It maybe free storage but, it is not free transfer. At least for me :(

Comcast is $60 for 250GB of data. So it would cost me $245 and no internet for 4 months to backup my computer and then restore my computer. Assuming I am only using 512GB. Plus it would take about 25 days to upload that much data:). even longer because I can only do 250GB every month. I guess if I started it in the middle of a month, it would still be transferring into the next month giving me a 500GB window. Then finish the last 12GB at work or internet cafe. Or just buy a separate internet connection for a few months to hold me over.
Or I could just buy another hard drive and not worry about it.


Jul 16, 2009
[citation][nom]razor512[/nom]Though it offers no privacy so it cant be used for warez or anything else of the sort as it is easy to track all who have a specific file.[/citation]
If you have a bunch of warez on your machine at home and want to give a copy to a friend you see when you are out, just grab your laptop out your bag and transer it on his flashdrive, there are loads of freeware ftp client/host you can use. Not good for streaming media but as a way to remotely access your dodgy content from home it is perfect.


Apr 18, 2011
[citation][nom]soo-nah-mee[/nom]Well, it's been over a year since I bought one, and they were nice WD MyBooks - think the last one I bought was $110. My server case is very small. Just enough room for two 2TB Caviar Greens.[/citation]
WD Elements is even cheaper. Only USB 2.0 though, unlike the higher end external WD drives, but do you have USB 3.0 anyway?


Oct 15, 2011
Sorry Yrusoad_One, I dont know how to quote you...

Did you all miss the key and essential point that Yrusoad_One made?
The TOS grants Backify permanent free rights to do whatever with anything you upload!
Suddenly this does not sound like a good deal at all.

Yrusoad_One said....
From the TOS

By using the facilities of the Backify Services to make Content available to other Users (“Shared Content”):
you grant to Backify a limited license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute your Shared Content on and through the Backify Services. The license you grant to Backify is non-exclusive, perpetual, fully-paid and royalty-free, sub-licensable, and worldwide;
you represent and warrant that you own the Shared Content or otherwise have the right to grant the license set forth in this section;


Oct 15, 2011
PS: To Toms.... despite all of the spammers you get on your forums - good lord your comment engine is a pain in the butt to login to and use.
hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it!


Here's the truth. It's actually a reseller for a service which gives 512GB trial for 14 days.


Nov 23, 2008
Jus tried it. Extremly poor in everything - functionality, UI, speed. It's free, what would you expect?


I just read the announcement today of a very strong data backup offer: lets you use 512GB of backup space for free. If you compare that to the competition: Dropbox and Mozy give you 2GB for free, OpenDrive, SugarSync and have a 5GB free account, although the latter has upped this to 50GB recently, when Apple also announced its 5GB free iCloud offering. Microsoft Live SkyDrive used to be the biggest free offer: 25GB (but no way to upgrade). So how can one company offer more than 20 times that space, and still not charge?

There are a couple of things that made me doubtful.

Too good to be true: a previously unknown company (Google will try to correct a search on their name to Backupify, because the first mentioning of the company was yesterday) comes and offers you something HUGE for FREE. Hmmm. Where’s the catch?
Business model doesn’t make sense: if you offer any John Doe 512 GB, you can count on a lot of data coming in. There will always be some guys that will try to use all of it. You need thousands of terabytes, and those don’t come for free. You could use Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure, but they will charge you $0.10 to $0.15 per month/GB. There is a freemium model for storage, but the sweet spot seems to be: anything above 5 – 25 GB should be paid for.
No believable team: maybe this company has developed a new, revolutionary technology to make storage 10 times cheaper, but then they would show off their exceptional team. There would be a CTO or Chief Scientist with 30+ experience in data storage and some exotic patents in ‘redundant sub-particle holographic storage‘ or so. Here: nothing.
Look and feel: their page looks like it was made with a standard template and cheap stock photography. Like they couldn’t afford a decent web agency.
Empty company blog: that was a big red flag: they point to an empty blogspot as their ‘company blog’. This definitely smells like a scam.
So I started to dig deeper: what company is mentioned in the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Statement? They talk about ‘Backify Internet Ltd’, but who knows if that company really exists. The address is interesting: it’s a Canadian one “Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 5L2″, that is shared with 2 other companies: AptiQuant and atCheap. AptiQuant has come in the news some months ago with the article “Is Internet Explorer For The Dumb?“. It was a hoax study (which was admitted afterwards), and the official explanation was that it was an effort “to create awareness about the incompatibilities of IE versions 6.0 to 8.0“. My thoughts: it was meant to drive traffic to the atCheap site, a comparison shopping site. Who is behind both companies? One person, Tarandeep Gill. And what was just added to that AptiQuant site? A link to Backify, free online backup. I checked the registration of the Backify domain: it’s the same guy. He registered the site in Feb 2009

So what does the Backify site actually offer? I downloaded the client, and here is the thing: it is not a ‘Backify’ client, it is a LiveDrive client (for Windows). LifeDrive is a UK company, started by ex-FastHosts people, notably founder Andrew Michael, who cashed £46mio or 72 mio $ when he sold his company. Also in the team (although non-executive) : Nicholas Cowell, brother of Simon ‘Idol’ Cowell, and a very rich UK real-estate entrepreneur. So these people do have cash, and, so it seems, a working product at pretty much the same prices as Backify is offering, except: they don’t have a 512GB for free offering, they only have a backup trial for 2 weeks! The Windows client works, you can upload files with it, and the files are actually stored at LiveDrive (I checked). The web interface doesn’t mention that I’m on a temporary plan. So LiveDrive seems to deliver.

So what is my hunch: Backify (or Tarandeep) is just a reseller for LiveDrive, he pays 60$/month to get a Backify rebranded white-label online backup service, and LiveDrive runs the actual service. Noteworthy: neither the Terms of Use or the Privacy Statement mention the Livedrive company or product. Is the ’512GB for free’ Backify offer actually the LiveDrive ‘Unlimited backup trial, free for 14 days‘, and so will it stop after 2 weeks? It’s either that, or Tarandeep has cut a better deal (“let me offer a crazy amount of storage for free forever“), which would be quite an accomplishment. Is it another stunt to drive traffic to atCheap (there are no links on the Backify site yet)? Is he branching out to a new niche? Time will tell. One thing is for sure: his press release has gotten huge coverage. And everyone seems to think Backify is a legit company.

TL;DR: Is “512GB for free forever” also for real? My gut feeling says: no. Don’t put all your eggs in that basket.


It only took them 4 days and they are now announcing they are closing free 512gb accounts. Can anyone seriously trust this company?


It seems like Backify is sending this to their free account customers:

”First of all, we would like to thank you for using Backify. We hope you really liked our service and enjoyed using it.
We regret to inform you that we can not provide free backup services anymore. All free Backify accounts will be closed on November 22, 2011.
In order to prevent your account from deletion, please login into your account and update your Billing Details.
Update Billing Details
Once again, we thank you for using Backify. Please update your billing details before November 22, 2011 to continue using the service.”

Can somebody confirm this ?

Looks like Backify is a scam after all. Give it away for free and then start asking money.

I propose you move to
We are commited to continue to provide the online backup service for FREE (512GB).
We do not intend to change this.

What backify is doing here gives all the online backup suppliers a very bad name !


It was too good to be true. I received this email today...

Dear [hidden for privacy purposes],

First of all, we would like to thank you for using Backify. We hope you really liked our service and enjoyed using it.

We regret to inform you that we can not provide free backup services anymore. All free Backify accounts will be closed on November 22, 2011.

In order to prevent your account from deletion, please login into your account and update your Billing Details.

Update Billing Details
Once again, we thank you for using Backify. Please update your billing details before November 22, 2011 to continue using the service.

Backify Team
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