Question Badblocks on the initial sectors of a laptop HDD

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Nov 15, 2010
Hello everyone. I own a Samgung laptop with a 1tb hdd. I run windows 10 on it and it usually did just fine. About 3 years of use, I got a boot failure that turned out to be a corrupted partition table. I resorted to linux, created a new partition table, reinstalled windows 10 and things were fine again.

Recently, however, I got another boot failure that took me some effort to overcome. Gparted wouldnt recognize the drive. DD wouldnt write to the drive (io error rightaway, not a single bit was written). I was sure it was doomed for real. Running badblocks on destructive mode showed several badblocks on the initial sectors (from zero up to 300s, I quit it by then to look for more instruction). Running badblocks must have gotten the badblocks unstuck somehow, if thats possible, and the hdd was recognized once again and I could set up a partition table and partition it in gparted as usual. DD could once again write on the initial sectors normally. (I take that DD couldnt write to initial sectors due to bad blocks because a write to them wouldnt work, while writing with seek=100000 or some other high value would write normally).

Im running a long self-test and, so far, it has found 616 bad sectors (20% of the test remaining). Its still running but the bad sectors count plateaued a while ago, so I imagine the main issue is indeed the initial sectors. ***UPDATE: the self-test just failed, It turned out a read error. The question: How/Can I make this drive usable again? The initial sectors seem doomed. If I could isolate them somehow, and offset the drive forward away from these initial problematic sectors, things might work better. What could I do to make this work? Can I make this work? Edit? Im sorry for the code tags, my keyboard language is not properly setup and my upper commas are messed up
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Nov 15, 2010
That drive is nothing more than a refrigerator magnet donor now. It cannot in any way be revived. Throw it away.
After seeing the bbs number climb like that and having them on the initial sectors made me expect replies on those lines. Specially after the test failed.
On a hypothetical new hdd that happened to have its single very first block fail, is there anything that can be done to use it normally? I mean, that`s where the partition table goes, right? Can the partition table skip the first blocks somehow or does it always start on block zero?
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