jimmysmitty :
It's actually quite funny as the people who I have met who have Windows Phone love it. There are a few issues, but what OS doesn't have them.
As well, I am tired of people calling Windows 8 a crap OS when there is only one thing they consistently moan about, Metro. They act like Metro makes it worse than Windows ME that BSoD on a regular basis. Or that it makes it sluggish and slow like Vista on lower end hardware, I can say that 8/8.1 is very fast even on a Atom with 2GB of RAM.
Then there is the fact that a lot of people who hate on it, much like the Vista haters, are all just to be with the cool crowd and have never actually used it. And I don't mean tried it in a store or on a friends PC for 10 minutes. I mean actually have it installed and learn what it can do.
I'm not speaking about the GUI, although it does have some faults. My complaint about Windows 8 is repairing it. In the past, Microsoft has added features that make repairing problems easier. In Windows 8, they have removed features making it the most annoying OS in history for me.
For example, it's next to impossible to get into the old F8 menu to boot safe mode. Windows has to be working in normal mode for that. Running a GUI based chkdsk doesn't give the option to run a surface scan or not, IT JUST DOES IT. So you want to fix file system errors? OH THAT WILL TAKE 5 HOURS because we're going to do a surface scan too without giving you the option not to. If you do make it into the F8 menu, there are no Restart options, only Shutdown. That's just brilliant! Let's have a diagnostic screen where you can change settings for repairs that require restarts, then not put a restart option in! HAHA.
Those are just three examples. I could list a lot more but I don't want this to be a TLDR message. Suffice to say the OS has been stripped down from a technician's point of view, making our jobs MUCH more difficult, for absolutely no reason.