Ballmer Defends Xbox, Bing as Key Microsoft Components

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I'm not speaking about the GUI, although it does have some faults. My complaint about Windows 8 is repairing it. In the past, Microsoft has added features that make repairing problems easier. In Windows 8, they have removed features making it the most annoying OS in history for me.

For example, it's next to impossible to get into the old F8 menu to boot safe mode. Windows has to be working in normal mode for that. Running a GUI based chkdsk doesn't give the option to run a surface scan or not, IT JUST DOES IT. So you want to fix file system errors? OH THAT WILL TAKE 5 HOURS because we're going to do a surface scan too without giving you the option not to. If you do make it into the F8 menu, there are no Restart options, only Shutdown. That's just brilliant! Let's have a diagnostic screen where you can change settings for repairs that require restarts, then not put a restart option in! HAHA.

Those are just three examples. I could list a lot more but I don't want this to be a TLDR message. Suffice to say the OS has been stripped down from a technician's point of view, making our jobs MUCH more difficult, for absolutely no reason.
I only use Bing, so people shouldn't say no one uses it. The Bing Image search is far and away better than Google.... folks need to test it out. On Bing you can specify size, type, color and all kinds of image variables to narrow your search... freaking awesome for me at least. The search results seem the same or better, so I just stick with Bing. Plus they don't track you the way Google does and that's BIG plus if you ask me.
Microsoft is trying to make their own Apple ecosystem for PCs, phones and tablets connected via the cloud with software being bought through MS's "App Store" again, just like Apple.

While Windows 8/8.1 is a stable OS, it has a LOT of minor glitches. I work in IT and most IT will not touch Win 8/8.1 (god forbid Server 2012) except to test it. We've used it in our work environment and it has serious issues with print drivers on desktop printers, copiers, and plotters older than 2 years.

Now you may say this is not MS's fault, rather the manufacturers not updating the drivers. I say no, it's Microsoft. When you have one driver working perfectly on 3 versions of MS OS and a new OS is introduced that causes drivers to fail to function properly, even when using compatibility mode, there's something wrong with the OS code.

I won't go so far as to call Win 8/8.1 crap, but it's certainly distasteful in the eyes of most IT.
I really don't think people are seeing Microsoft through on these and are just hating for the sake of hating.
Chrome is a terrible OS that is only popular because it was released by Google. To call it a viable alternative is a joke as most Linux distros are far superior in the way they operate. iOS is a terrible OS as well because it needs Objective-C despite being a redone Linux distro.
The Windows Phone experience is a lot better in my opinion with the exception of a few key caveats like a file browser and installing apps externally. Its base is a lot faster than iOS or Chrome.
Windows 8 is also another thing I don't think people really gave a chance. They are acting more like cavemen who go OH SHIT SOMETHING HAS CHANGED murmur murmur murmur. It takes me about the same amount of time to resetup windows 8 to suite me as it does windows 7 from a fresh install. The only real issue is the management system under windows 8 has undergone considerable change which means a lot of old drivers won't work.

As I've said before (and Microsoft knows this), everything is going to transition to the cloud in a matter of 5-7 years anyway. Very little will be done on local software. HTML 5 is the future.

This is why Microsoft is transitioning away from software into a services/devices company. There will be no need for Windows as we know it in 5-7 years because only a browser will be necessary. All programs will be web based. Including games, photo editing, video editing, you name it. Look at what is already possible with web apps like Pixlr, or look at Nvidia's new streaming tech. Once the connection speeds catch up, local processing is out the door.

Cloud based operating systems like Chrome OS are the future. MS knows this and that's why we already know Windows 10 (or whatever) will be an entirely cloud based OS.

MS is going to shrink from dominance, it's only a question of when and how much. That depends on how well they are able to transition and get people to adopt their platforms. So far it's not looking good. Windows will still exist, but not as a major revenue stream. No one is going to pay $100+ for a web browser.

Bing needs to stay, if only to act as competition for Google, without competition you get stagnation and Google really needs to be forced to be better, especially with all its other shortcomings to do with lack of controls on where your personal data is sold to and what crap gets force-fed into your email inbox.
Microsoft has been going down hill since ballmer took over bad updates, windows 8 and even worse windows 8.1 many older amd cpu's can't even install 8.1 the amd 64 x2 series you can run windows 8 but not 8.1.
I see these computers on a daily basis in my computer shop for malware cleaning there must be millions out there still, very bad decision by Microsoft .

Sorry but, are you high? Neither people nor companies will push everything to the web. Its neither secure nor faster or failproof than what we have today.
Not to mention that you'd have to pay for storage or/and power, always.
Just one example. No sane person/company that works in 3D would move to the web, not even for local link workstations-servers(or is it better to say thiin client-servers) because its not fast enough and less failproof and never will be period.
And yes in 10 years situation won't change unless you'll create data teleportation.

It's not faster YET, but it will be. The massive savings on infrastructure alone could justify it.

Yeah some things will always stay local for maximum security reasons, but those will be few. I was more referring to the consumer market anyway. Entities concerned with security such as the military and NASA use Linux anyway for better security an stability.

The point here isn't that every single person in the world is going to be entirely in the cloud, it's that the majority of a consumer and light commercial market will be. That means a very big problem for Microsoft.

Exactly, if elop would cut xbox and bing, and refocus on Windows for desktop, I think it would mark a new golden age for Microsoft.
even Microsoft Office and Office 365 are out the door. The ONLY thing MS has is EXCHANGE, and the have butchered that so bad with 2013, that the free and secure solutions out there are more than likely going to eventually take over. Exchange is a mess now. over complicated and they tried to be linux and failed miserably. Power shell is cool, but it's not THAT cool.

Libre Office replaces the need for Microsoft licensing and over complication. There are no drastic UI changes (MS's Ribbon...holy unproductive workflow). MS had it's 3 decades and has been replaced or is in the process of being replaced...and no NOT by apple.

Very true.

I still can't understand why most people pay hundreds of dollars for MS software when the open source alternatives provide 95% of the functionality at absolutely no cost. This is especially true in the consumer, education, and office segments. If all you need is a web browser and and Office suite, why pay hundreds of dollars for it?

The biggest issue, especially in the consumer segment, is the fact that Windows and Office are preloaded on just about every notebook machine on the market. Consumers don't realize that a large portion of the prices they are paying for these products are licencing fees.

What especially infuriates me is when I'm in Best Buy or Fry's and see someone buying a Windows notebook and then the salesman tells the person they need to pay $100+ for Office, $60 for Norton to protect from scary "viruses", and another $50 to have them installed. The funny thing is, most people say "go for it" because they don't know any better. Consumer ignorance is Microsoft's best friend.

fixed 😛

As someone mentioned before, something needs to stay to oppose google. I just hope it's not bing.
I am not using MS products, i don't care if MS will burry itself soon enough. But i strongly disagree with you on "everything in the cloud" path. You can make local variant for non serious workload where people use some non demanding software but thats it, and it already works like this for many years in many companies i've seen. Serious workloads will always exist, we want more quality or easier software that would help creating better quality animation and it needs more compute power, always, no matter how smart algorythms are researched we'll push it to the end and demand more power again.
Basicaly you agree with me that companies won't go to the clouds(even local ones) because it will effect productivity tremendously.
Now about people on enterntainment sector. People wouldn't like to store their phone numbers, private photos, documents etc somewhere in the web. Usually they use internet as a storage for temporary or unvaluable data. Cloud only OSes won't exist, the idea is ok only for companies that will control this sector not for people whos using it. I know alot of people who are using proxy just to search the web and enable internet connection hardware way if they don't need it. Sure, facebook people will come to web only OS gladly but thats probably it.
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