Mobile devices just need to become more unified so we don't have to carry around separate devices for every little thing. For instance, I really hope that one day, an iPhone, or a DROID, or a Windows Mobile phone or any of these other variants, will replace the need to have an extremely good digital camera, and also have integrated a mobile gaming system, sort of like what is rumored for the PSP2. Most of the smart phones now already have GPS capabilities. I also hope that vehicles will become standardly equipped with radios that have the capability to connect with your phone. Also, I'd like to see the same integration system in mobile PCs that some car stereos have. That is, don't even require a cable, and with the touch of a couple of buttons, your mobile PC will find the nearest phone and sync with it.
Aside from the mobile world, I hope the PC solution is here to stay. Desktops and maybe even touch screen PCs, like the HP TouchSmart. You can do so much more with a desktop that just simply isn't possible (yet) with a mobile PC. Desktop PCs NEVER have to worry about running out of battery, or their battery getting old. Desktop PCs NEVER have to worry about their screens turning pink and wearing down, because you can just as easily go out and buy a new one. Desktop PCs are easily upgradeable, part-by-part, as well.