Barack Obama's 'Ask Me Anything' Brings Down Reddit

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Groundbreaking stuff... Really taking on the issues that matter!
"How do you balance family life and hobbies with, well, being the POTUS?"
"Who's your favourite Basketball player?"
"What is the first thing you'll do on November 7th, win or lose?"
"What was the most difficult decision that you had to make during this term?"
"What's the recipe for the White House's beer?"

I'm surprised no one asked what his favorite color was...
He's also, surprisingly, has bad grammar. I was wondering if it was really him or an intern typing his typical everyday replies.
He managed to answer 9 questions in 30 min. Some people complain about that but that's about 3 min per question which I'd say isn't bad at all considering most were a bit long.
[citation][nom]bllue[/nom]He managed to answer 9 questions in 30 min. Some people complain about that but that's about 3 min per question which I'd say isn't bad at all considering most were a bit long.[/citation]
But they were stupid questions about beer, basketball, and his family.
[citation][nom]tupz[/nom]He's also, surprisingly, has bad grammar. I was wondering if it was really him or an intern typing his typical everyday replies.[/citation]
An intern would have better grammar. Have you ever listened to Obama talk without a teleprompter or aid helping him...Not the smartest guy in the world. He comes in right after Bush.
[citation][nom]tupz[/nom]He's also, surprisingly, has bad grammar. I was wondering if it was really him or an intern typing his typical everyday replies.[/citation]
Have you read his answers or are you just talking out of your......

Because when I read them, his grammar seemed quite good to me.

To future Grammar Nazis, "He's" is a contraction of 'He' and 'is'.
This makes your initial sentence quite grammatically incorrect:
'He is also, surprisingly, has bad grammar.'
The worse part is that with the situation as bad as it is in the U.S. he picked these fluffy questions out of the thousands that were asked of him...
He thinks we are more interested in him being "a guy just like the rest of us" instead of being someone that can solve the important problems facing his constituents.
This is why I don't respect politicians...
[citation][nom]outlw6669[/nom]Have you read his answers or are you just talking out of your...... when I read them, his grammar seemed quite good to me.P.S.To future Grammar Nazis, "He's" is a contraction of 'He' and 'is'.This makes your initial sentence quite grammatically incorrect:'He is also, surprisingly, has bad grammar.'[/citation]
[citation][nom]Nikorr[/nom]They did already, lol[/citation]

He edited all his posts after being corrected. Yep, I'm aware. My phone auto corrected itself. This is why I made a second post, since you can't edit, stating the correction. Nice try Timmy :)
I'm just curious what anyone really expected he'd pick as questions. ANY politician who chooses to do something like this is obviously not going to answer complex questions about economic policy/philosophy that should otherwise take much longer than 30-min to answer. Otherwise it would be a rehash of the same thing he's repeated on the campaign trail to this point this year, or redirecting you to a link to the W.H or campaign's website for details. Anyone looking at this and expecting serious debate was fooling themselves.
Hey Mr. Obama:
Can you explain the hundreds of billions of our tax dollars going to failing green energy companies, many which have direct interests of many politicians?
Why are you granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, especially since over 50% of them are on some sort of government assistance and crime among illegals is higher than ever?
How come there has been no investigation into the 22 Navy Seals killed on that slow moving, out of date helicopter?
You either knew the Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt, or you are too ignorant to have figured that out beforehand, which is it? boxers or briefs????@@!!!???!!??
That is all for now.
Its Obama, he chooses the questions asked.. Don't fool yourselves..

Mr. President.. With record job losses not seen since the great depression, current unemployment rate still hanging around 8.2%, National debt reaching a staggering 16 TRILLION.. Do you view your presidency as a success??.... lol
What? Do you guys mean to tell me that Obama intentionally picked easy questions that would look favorable to him rather than taking on tough issues?!

I guess you've never seen any sort of political debate ever at any point by any candidate, because they all do that. Red or Blue, neither care about you. If you actually did tell the truth about your beliefs, you'd get labeled a "loony" by the media and popular opinion. I guess it is pretty crazy for a politician to be direct and honest, isn't it?
First Intel vs Amd trolling, then Left vs Right trolling. Please for the love of whatever God you believe in, think for yourselves people. All I see these days from the public are the talking points that both sides put out. Instead of aligning yourself with a party, align yourself with your country instead. Money + politics = Bad (basic math). We are this country and we need to strip the power from big business and unions. Both sides are equally retarded and corrupt. They do not represent you; they represent their wallets and those who fill them. Maybe then being a politician can be an honor instead of a career. Fill congress and the oval office with people who only put country before bank accounts, and we will be the greatest country in the world again. Right now, we are only a pawn in a global chess game. Our color isn't winning.
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