@ rickl7069 : First, I actually up-rated you on your response. What you said, is opinion - I don't think you are entirely correct with what you had to say, some of it is wrong or needs a bit of tweaking... but you are not lying about what you are saying.
Romney isn't good, as you say. He'll say whatever he need to say at the moment. In a 2002 video, he said "I will always be on the side of women's rights to choose" (abortion) - 2012 "I'm against abortion no matter what, rape, incest, possible death of the mother" - these are facts that are easy to prove.
Other facts:
- Birth Control pills are not always used for birth control (Even lesbians use it for other medical issues).
- Abortion is a national right, being taken away. Abortions have been going on for thousands of years. In the 60s, thousands of women were dying each year from back alley abortions... Sorry, I'd rather have a living teenage girl than a raped and left dead one by some creep in a motel... or coming home to find my 15yr old daughter with a coat-hanger sticking out of her vagina in a pool of her own blood. Even in Texas, back-alley abortions are on the rise (they are going to Mexico). Abortions are not cheap, not fun, not easy and not healthy. Yet my EX had one... she can't have kids, she wouldn't survive. But by the GOP standard, they want to regulate (through religious beliefs - a NO NO in the govt) peoples sex lives. Telling women to keep their legs closed is like telling guys to not jerk-off. Guess who loses first on that race?
- Most abortions happen in the first trimester. Late term ones are for medical reasons. (ie: the baby was wanted) - but due to problems, an abortion is needed. Like the creeps screaming at a women who is getting an abortion for her already dead child, already in tears. So these people need to mind their own damn business. If they believe in their God's way crap, then let it be between God and the patient... I think God can handle his own battles.
- Removal of social systems and education: In the old days, the rich like Romney's always had access to abortions... they'd go on "vacation" to Europe. Yet these same people are cutting single-mother programs, education, food-stamps, etc... but want to force people to have children they may not be able to affords to take care of OR capable of caring for emotionally. A $500 abortion is a lot cheaper than $700~1000 a month per child the state pays for the kid. THAT is a Conservative way to think...
And of course $50 month (or less or free) for birth control pills is even cheaper and reduces abortions... yet the GOP wants to MAKE the PILL ILLEGAL.
- What we spend in military is more than the next 11+ countries put together and most of them are our allies... Money spent for education has a bigger return than buying a useless $200million fighter jet that doesn't fly. We are a global economy... to attack the USA is not good for anyone. We can F-k anyone up with the push of a button. McCain, Romney and GOP are already drooling to attack Iran... because Iraq worked out so well for us, costing us trillions. If Iran drops a nuke (Yes, they are a terrorist controlled country) - they will be leveled in 30 minutes from our subs.
Yes, everyone lies... including you, me... up to a point. So I say, go with the best out of the bunch.
About Oil : We have already peaked. Costs of oil has been high since 2004. It will only get higher. But there are other costs to OIL we are paying for. Pollution and military. *IF or WHEN* the USA gets off our dependence on foreign oil (The middle east) - then we don't give a shit what they do over there. They'll always have wars with each other. Just being human. We can't stop the in-fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan... other than almost taking out the Taliban and killing OBL, its been a waste of our resources. Its their countries to run into the ground, let them be. The smarter countries do better - such as the UAE... others are chaos (Somalia, Afghan). Sorry, if anyone wants the USA to be the world police, they need to START PAYING for it. But its us, the American people who do.
I'd rather own an American car that gets its power from solar and wind energy from OUR country than a Japanese car with Arab oil which in turns pollutes my air, soil and water.
- Oil : Drill baby Drill... the oil we drill here isn't ours. Oil is traded on a global scale. When BP drills in OUR GULF, its not our oil. It doesn't go to the USA. Oil production is high in the USA, but how are our prices? The oil is sold to China... we are exporting OIL. Oil companies are here to make money, so selling more oil to China makes them more money than selling it to us and keeps the prices nice and high.
Green research is a waste of money by the taxpayers right now because there is still enough oil for at least a hundred years
A) Yet the US Govt gives the oil company $4 billion in tax breaks a year... how much did Exxon pay? Exxon made about $45+ billion in 2011 alone. I don't think they need any tax breaks.
B) Green tech creates jobs... some investments don't work... some does. China and Arabs are investing in the future... stop thinking 2 or 5 years into the future. I have to think about my grandchildren... I happen to want them to live in a world that is not toxic.
C) Oil companies donate $7k to DEM congress/senators for every $270K they give to GOP congress/senators. Why? DEMS want to cut off the tax breaks and the loop holes... which costs YOU and ME money.
D) we don't have a military need for our own Solar and wind power systems... unlike oil. So no, OIL is not cheaper.
E) We can't wait to use up oil and then work to resolve the problem. When gas is $15 a gallon is a good time to work on Solar power? If every home can have a $10,000 Solar collector and storage system (we don't at this time) that powers the home and charges the car - that would be cheaper than buy gas and coal and not create much pollution - other than making the devices. We need the oil for other things... lubrication, powering our airplanes and rockets. An electric passenger jet plane is not possible anytime soon... unless the weight of the batteries can be reduce to 1/2 as that of fuel. (Passenger planes need to lander lighter than take off)
THE reason for offshore drilling is...ble, more reliable source than wind or solar. Part of this statement is almost true, most of it is laughable.
Explain how the power of the SUN is LESS reliable than oil? Mankind will be long gone and the SUN will till be shining. No, off-shore OIL drilling costs are very expensive. I *DO* some work for an oil company. Land drilling is $10~20k a day - off shore is $200+ a day. The deeper the water, the more it costs. Why do you THINK they are drilling deeper and deeper each year?! Think they do that for fun? Yeah, lets drill in the OCEAN because land-drilling is for boring people. Oil in the ground could be good for tectonic plates (lubrication) - the Fracking in Texas has likely caused some earthquakes.
When you BUILD a windmill, its built... it'll require some maintenance... as does EVERYTHING else. But its not $1000 a day to work on a windmill or a solar collector.
The amount of sunlight that lands on the earth in a single hour, if could be captured - could power the planet for a year! We'd only need to be able to capture 1/1000ths of that to rid ourselves of oil dependency. Then our oil supplies can last 300~500+ years... for airplanes and space-crafts.
wind and solar is NOT in demand, oil is.
Why do you want oil? Its business and a current requirement for our planet to function... but its not something most people want. Its nasty and not good for you... its quite toxic. Yet its also used in food (red dye #40) - look at whatever red food you eat... you're eating oil. (Cherries, apples too since they are sprayed RED for that extra perfect RED color) drinks, candy, etc.
Why DO YOU want oil? So are you telling me if it costs you $2500 a year to drive your car on gas vs $250 a year with an electric car (because your home has solar power - the $$$ is from non-home power sources), you would choose gas?! In various cities (NOT the USA) - they are starting to design and built parking re-charging stations and solar-powered parking/charging stations.
So imagine this: part of your home has a solar collector, all your windows have Solar collectors (this is real tech) - an Electric car typically has a 80 mile range... fine for the city.
{Chevy's Volt solves the problem of long-distance driving... its like a diesel electric train. The motors are electric, not combustion... but the combustion generators make electricity to turn the wheels.} So you drive to work (10~30 miles each way) - you park your car outside... but the parking spot is covered... on top of the cover is a solar panel collector. Depending on the standards, you plug in our car or there is a plate under the car that recharges wireless. (Like some of our cell phones). Maybe you pay $1~2 a day for the parking and the charge. Many parking spots have enough space for a solar collector to charge a car. If you work for 8 hours, your car will be fully charged... (10hours for a full charge 120v or 4hrs with 240v)... But if you drive an avg of 30~50miles a day, a nightly charge at home is all you need (from your stored power from your own solar collectors).
There is MONEY to be made in this... What are the pros: less pollution, better health, less noise and long term benefits of all.
Remember how much it costs for a personal computer back in 1986? Here is an example:
$5000~8000 bought you a Mac II or an IBM PC with 256 colors. An Amiga 1000 was $1200 with just a 7mhz CPU, 512K (K!) of RAM and floppy drive. No modem, no NIC. $1000 gave you 1MB (MB!!) of RAM upgrade. A HD was a $1000~2000 option... 20mb or so. No monitor included ($300 for a 13" POS)
The year 2012. $400 buys you notebook with a 3ghz dual core CPU, 4GB of RAM (400MB), 500GB HD, 15~17" LCD screen, wireless networking, a DVD-drive and burner.
Technology changes... Gas/Oil has its limits. And solar and Wind power technology improves YEARLY.
I'm thinking 40 years from now... the future of our planet. Not my wallet today... or giving some multi-millionaire a tax break in the hopes that some of his money will rain down on me out of the goodness of his heart.