basic build questions


Feb 17, 2017
So I have some build questions but first some background. I originally started with a pre built asus gaming tower about 4 years ago. I have been slowly upgrading it bit by bit every year it is now comprised of the components below. I just bought a NVidia 1070 and installed it Monday. I also installed a new motherboard and water cooling for the first time that day. I wanted it to be vr ready and be able to render in 4k. I primarily use it for gaming, college work, some video encoding, movie watching, and some video/graphic editing. the goal is to be able to do some 3d modeling for my engineering classes in a year but idk what that will require hardware wise. I also want make it look cool as it is also on display in my living room.
Now for the questions/problems. Due to poor air flow issues and wanting to keep my very new and sexy GPU face plate and fans, I was wondering if there was a way to hook up a heat sink/water block to the back of the graphics card to keep it cool or maybe some other solutions that are effective and look nice. The gpu only got hot (72C) once for only about five minutes and hasn't done it since. I was also wondering if I could set up a drain point in my water cooling system so that if I wanted to swap out any units or refresh the coolant I wouldn't have to fear drowning any components. Maybe some kind of to junction that ends in a valve?. I'm also mildly worried that my psu won't be able to support what I have set up and I would like to eventually get this. I also have a rather dated cpu but its still kicking so I have to swap it out right now but next year with my tax return I would like to upgrade to the beefiest lga 1155 I can. Also do these ram fans actually help with anything?
Anyway anything suggestions on possible upgrades or solutions on what might improve this monster's performance are welcome. I would post a picture if I knew how. also what are your thoughts on my build?

CPU: i7 2600 at 3.8 original with asus
GPU: nvidia 1070
motherboard: msi z77 mpower
psu: Thermaltake 600 watt.... not modular. got it from best buy a week after getting the tower due to the original psu sounding like a weed wacker
ram: only 2 sticks
case : it looks grumpy and I love it
water cooling kit
hdd1: solid state 500 gb
hdd2: stores video and music
hdd3: 2 tb hybrid stores games
led lights
4 case fans with red led's

I also have a 12 port usb 3.0 hub that plugs into the wall for my keyboard, mouse, flight stick, game controller, headset memory sticks, and other gadgets
no optical drives because we live in the future and I don't need them

edit: P.S. The wife lets me spend about $1500 every year on it I have another $210 I can spend on it this year if I do it in the next month.
Only thing you'd possibly need to upgrade would be make sure you have 16gb of Memory. If you do I wouldn't touch the thing. You'll be better than basically anyone doing 3d modeling who didn't spend $1500+ on a computer in the last 2 years. And if they didn't know what they were doing you'd still be better off

I already have 16 gb of memory or do you mean I would need another 16?

    ■ What cooler type your GTX 1070? is it blower (founders edition single fan, Asus turbo, etc etc) or dual triple axial fan (EVGA ACX/iCX, Gigabyte Windforce, etc etc)? blower type such as FE push the heat out through rear expansion bracket while axial push around the graphic card, that warm air generated by axial type was suppose to be moved by case fans (blown by intake or suck by exhaust). So tidying clattered cables will help positive air pressure inside case. or get expensive fans such as Be Quiet Silent Wings Series.
    ■ Many waterblock available for GTX 1070, you can try to find waterblock that matches your GTX 1070. Your pump probably D5 type it should provide sufficient flow rate and static pressure on single loop VGA+CPU+360 radiator. Should you decide to water cool your GTX 1070 consider add another 240mm rad or use single 360 rad with good review ( etx etc).

For $200 you can invest on flagship PSU such as Seasonic Prime SSR TD (titanium grade PSU), I'd say your Z77 MPower + i7 2600 + DDR3 will last for 5 more years. MSI use top VRM (tantalum inductor/choke, nichi con capacitor with 10.000 hours mean time between failure), that expected life span may not applied on your PSU.

Some game such as GTA V may require up to 8GB RAM just to run, so make sure you get identical RAM with the one installed now. Beside massive RAM never be overkill on VR game titles.