I'm researching basic Window's based micro computers to run my band's lighting software remotely. Currently, the software is on my mac air that sits on the stage floor connected to an iPad on my mic stand. I run the Duet mirror app so I can keep the laptop closed, and hid as much as possible, but yet still be able to see the program on my iPad.
I'm thinking of investing in a micro computer to completely hide underneath my pedalboard. Could I still use the iPad as a monitor using the Duet app? Or would I need something like a VGA to lightning cable? Is it possible to automatically open Duet and the lighting software during boot up without a monitor (just using an iPad)? I'd like to not be able to have an actual monitor on my mic stand but I guess I could sell the iPad and get a small, portable monitor.
Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you,
I'm thinking of investing in a micro computer to completely hide underneath my pedalboard. Could I still use the iPad as a monitor using the Duet app? Or would I need something like a VGA to lightning cable? Is it possible to automatically open Duet and the lighting software during boot up without a monitor (just using an iPad)? I'd like to not be able to have an actual monitor on my mic stand but I guess I could sell the iPad and get a small, portable monitor.
Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you,