Battlefield 1 and SLI


Here is my problem:

DX11 Mode [SLI Enabled] - ~80 FPS
DX12 Mode [SLI Disabled] - still ~80 FPS

I've got a 4770K OC to 4 GHz and GTX 980s in SLI and OC to 1440 Mhz.

Things I've done to try and resolve the issue:
1. Uninstall the game and reinstall it once again.
2. Uninstall GPU drivers using DDU and reinstall the latest one.
3. Completely reinstall Windows.
4. Downloaded Nvidia Inspector and set it to Single Display Mode and Preferred Maximum Power. Although I noticed that the game doesn't have any DX12 bits. Maybe that's why the second card is not being utilized on DX12 mode.

Still getting the same problem.

So my question is, is the game still not that optimized? Or could my problem be needing to upgrade my system?

Hmm. I haven't really monitored that at all.
I was thinking that this was some sort of optimization problem from DICE side.
But I will check on that.