Battlefield 3 problem

Cheeba Hawk

Apr 1, 2012
Hello everyone. Whenever I play BF3 for bout an hour or so my system will just restart for no reason. I've tried several things and cannot figure out the problem.
First I thought it was a temp issue. From what I see my CPU does not go passed 45C. I ran Prime95 for 5 hours no errors or crashes. (not overclocked)
GPU maxes out 61C sometimes it hits 65C. With Vsync on it stays around 57C. I ran Furmark for 30 mins everything maxed no crash no errors. Drives are up to date. I have Crossfire GPU 1 was at 67C and GPU 2 was at 72C during the test.
PSU: I originally had a 850w 80plus switched to a 1200w 80plus platinum didn't fix it.
I checked the ram with Windows diagnostic tool did the extended test took about 6 hours no errors found then I tried Memtest86 no errors found. My CCC version is 12.3. Anyone have any Idea what would cause my system to restart while playing BF3?

My Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K
GPU: Crossfire AMD Radeon HD 6970
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws X 16GB 1600
PSU: Enermax 1200 watt
Motherboard: Asus P8/Z68 Delux
Sound: Asus Xonar DX.
Your entire system will reboot? I haven't heard that happening yet. Did you try Battlelog tech support forums yet? They are actually very responsive over there. The game would randomly CTD for me, and they responded with a fix that worked on the same day. They might be able to point you in the right direction.

Just out of curiousity, what web browser do you use to access Battlelog?
check your event logs directly b4 you see error 41 kernel power error...
error 41 is basically telling you the pc shut off because the cpu lost power. this is a normal error. this is your reference point. any errors b4 this are likely to be the cause of the shut down...

to find the logs. go to control panel/ admin tools /event viewer you need to check a couple of categories. system and application will likely give the most info as the system folder is dedicated to the hardware logs and application is dedicated to the o.s and applications you run...

bf3 really is turning into a finikey bitch with lots of people reporting random shut downs for no aparrent reason... this could be 1 of them cases ... if nothing shows in the logs then its likely its the game itself causing the errors.

1 test i would try is superpi 1.5, run its 32m test which will stress the memory... if the pc pretty much locks up or reboots it means you have a memory problem... a lock up often turns out to be cause by lack of ram volts while a reboot means the ram could well be damaged/faulty... this is my own observation over the last few years and has been pretty reliable at diagnosing ram problems faster than mem test does... the reason i say this is, because i have used it on ram that appeared to be healthy with mem test but failed under superpi... so its worth a shot...

1 thing i notice you have that quite a few others have that report a random reboot is an xonar sound card... try disabling it or removing it if the superpi test doesnt show anything up...

I use Google Chrome.

In the event viewer under system this is what I found: critical - The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Right above it: Information - File System Filter 'BHDrvx64' (6.1, ‎2012‎-‎02‎-‎10T20:28:02.000000000Z) has successfully loaded and registered with Filter Manager.

I installed Super pi 1.5 did the 32m test and nothing happened.
you're looking for error reports in event viewer, not informational records (although those could be useful sometimes too).

another note is you've found the critical error after your system rebooted and recorded that your PC was powered down without shutting down properly, you're looking for errors with time stamp prior to this event.
as you passed superpi test and your event log seems clean, it seems your system is stable as far as memory and cpu are concerned. (your pc just calculated 32million digits of pi and checksumed each pass) so i would look at the o.s.
go into bios and make sure hpet (high precision event timer) is enabled and matches your o.s bit rate... 32 for 32bit and 64 for 64 bit if your using 7 or vista. xp doesnt use it so will have no effect either way...
if its set wrong your system will randomly crash and reboot so its worth checking...
i know its just a small thing but you would be surprised at how many people miss it on new builds.

then again if bf3 is the only time this is happening i would think it had more to do with the game than the system...

i know some ati cards had an issue when going from 3d render to 2d render while playing bfbc2. it was somthing to do with the voltages on the gpu dropping to quickly causing a crash. but as far as i know it was fixed with a driver update and a work around was used where you use msi afterbuner to adjust the 2d voltage setting... but that as i say should have been sorted a long time ago.